1. LeetCode
-->Introduction: LeetCode is a popular platform that offers a wide range of coding challenges, from easy to hard, covering data structures, algorithms, databases, and more. It's a great place to prepare for technical interviews.
-->Website: [LeetCode](https://leetcode.com/)
#LeetCode #CodingChallenges #Algorithms
2. HackerRank
-->Introduction: HackerRank provides coding challenges in various domains, including algorithms, data structures, artificial intelligence, and more. It also offers interview preparation kits.
-->Website: [HackerRank](https://www.hackerrank.com/)
#HackerRank #CodingContests #DataStructures
3. CodeSignal
-->Introduction: CodeSignal focuses on competitive programming and interview preparation. It offers coding challenges, tournaments, and a career track with practice questions.
-->Website: [CodeSignal](https://codesignal.com/)
#CodeSignal #CompetitiveProgramming #InterviewPrep
4. Codewars
-->Introduction: Codewars is a community-driven platform that lets you practice coding through katas, which are small coding challenges that you can solve in your preferred programming language.
-->Website: [Codewars](https://www.codewars.com/)
#Codewars #CodingKatas #ProgrammingChallenges
5. TopCoder
-->Introduction: TopCoder is one of the oldest competitive programming platforms. It offers coding competitions, challenges, and opportunities to solve real-world problems.
-->Website: [TopCoder](https://www.topcoder.com/)
#TopCoder #CompetitiveProgramming #CodingCompetitions
6. Exercism
-->Introduction: Exercism provides coding exercises and mentor-guided learning paths for various programming languages. It's a great platform for learning and improving your coding skills.
-->Website: [Exercism](https://exercism.io/)
#Exercism #CodeExercises #Mentorship
7. CodeChef
-->Introduction: CodeChef is an Indian-based competitive programming platform. It hosts coding contests, algorithm challenges, and offers a supportive community for programmers.
-->Website: [CodeChef](https://www.codechef.com/)
#CodeChef #CompetitiveCoding #Algorithms
8. URI Online Judge
-->Introduction: URI Online Judge is a platform that offers a vast collection of programming challenges categorized by difficulty level, making it suitable for beginners and experts.
-->Website: [URI Online Judge](https://www.urionlinejudge.com.br/judge/en/login)
#URIOnlineJudge #ProgrammingChallenges #PracticeCoding
9. LeetCode (Database Problems)
-->Introduction: If you're interested in database challenges, this is a specific link to LeetCode's database-related problems. It's a valuable resource for practicing SQL and database skills.
-->Website: [LeetCode Database Problems](https://leetcode.com/problemset/database/)
#DatabaseChallenges #SQL #LeetCodeDatabase
10. GeeksforGeeks
-->Introduction: GeeksforGeeks is an educational website with a wide array of coding challenges and articles on various topics, making it a valuable learning resource.
-->Website: [GeeksforGeeks](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/)
#GeeksforGeeks #CodingPractice #Algorithms
These websites offer a plethora of coding challenges for different skill levels and programming languages. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced coder, they can help you improve your skills and prepare for technical interviews.
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