1. cal: Display a #calendar for the current or specified month.
2. units: Convert units from one measurement to another.
units "feet to meters"
3. figlet: Create text banners using ASCII art fonts.
figlet Hello, Linux!
4. toilet: Generate text-based art and banners.
toilet -f term Hello, Linux!
5. cowsay: Display text in speech bubbles from an ASCII art cow.
cowsay "Moo, I'm a cow!"
6. sl: Display a steam locomotive in the terminal when you mistype `ls`.
7. rev: Reverse the order of characters in a file or string.
echo "Linux" | rev
8. fortune: Get a random, often humorous, text message.
9. yes: Output a continuous stream of "yes" until manually stopped.
10. watch: Execute a command repeatedly and display the output in real-time.
watch -n 1 "date"
11. cmatrix: Display the falling characters similar to "The Matrix."
12. slurm: Network bandwidth usage monitoring.
slurm -i eth0
13. qrencode: Generate QR codes from text.
qrencode -o qr.png "https://www.example.com"
14. lshw: List hardware information.
15. tree: Display directory structure in a tree-like format.
tree /path/to/directory
16. apropos: Search man page names and descriptions for keywords.
apropos keyword
17. ranger: A console-based file manager with VI keybindings.
18. htop: An interactive process viewer and system monitor.
19. ncdu: A disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface.
20. tldr: A simplified and community-driven man pages.
tldr command
These less-known Linux commands and utilities can be fun to explore and might help you perform various tasks more efficiently or just bring a smile to your face with some terminal-based humor.
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