Thursday, October 26, 2023

Some #websites and magazines where you can learn about #future #technologies and new #inventions in fields of #technology:


  1. Wired - Wired is a popular technology magazine that covers a wide range of topics, including future technologies and new inventions. Website address:
  2. MIT Technology Review - MIT Technology Review is a magazine published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It covers a wide range of technology topics, including future technologies and new inventions. Website address:
  3. Ars Technica - Ars Technica is a technology news and analysis website that covers a wide range of topics, including future technologies and new inventions. Website address:
  4. Engadget - Engadget is a technology news and analysis website that covers a wide range of topics, including future technologies and new inventions. Website address:
  5. New Scientist - New Scientist is a weekly science and technology magazine that covers a wide range of topics, including future technologies and new inventions. Website address:
  6. Futurism - Futurism is a website that covers future technologies, new inventions, and other science fiction-related topics. Website address:
  7. Singularity Hub - Singularity Hub is a website that covers future technologies, artificial intelligence, and other topics related to the technological singularity. Website address:
  8. KurzweilAI - KurzweilAI is a website that covers future technologies, artificial intelligence, and other topics related to the work of Ray Kurzweil. Website address:
  9. IEEE Spectrum - IEEE Spectrum is a magazine published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It covers a wide range of technology topics, including future technologies and new inventions. Website address:
  10. ScienceFocus - ScienceFocus is a magazine published by the BBC. It covers a wide range of science and technology topics, including future technologies and new inventions. Website address:
  11. Popular Science - Popular Science is a monthly magazine that covers a wide range of science and technology topics, including future technologies and new inventions. Website address:
  12. Discover - Discover is a monthly magazine that covers a wide range of science and technology topics, including future technologies and new inventions. Website address:
  13. National Geographic - National Geographic is a monthly magazine that covers a wide range of topics, including science, technology, and geography. It also covers future technologies and new inventions. Website address:


  1. Wired
  2. MIT Technology Review
  3. New Scientist
  4. IEEE Spectrum
  5. Popular Science
  6. Discover
  7. National Geographic


  1. FutureHuman
  2. Singularity Weblog
  3. AI Weirdness
  4. Transhumanity
  5. Extropians
  6. Lifeboat Foundation
  7. Artificial General Intelligence
  8. Machine Intelligence Research Institute
  9. Center for the Study of Existential Risk
  10. Future of Life Institute
  11. OpenWorm
  12. Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

Some More Websites:

  1. TechCrunch - TechCrunch
  2. Wired - Wired
  3. Ars Technica - Ars Technica
  4. The Verge - The Verge
  5. MIT Technology Review - MIT Technology Review
  6. Gizmodo - Gizmodo
  7. Engadget - Engadget
  8. TechRadar - TechRadar
  9. IEEE Spectrum - IEEE Spectrum

Some More Magazines:

  1. Popular Science - Popular Science
  2. Discover - Discover Magazine
  3. Scientific American - Scientific American
  4. MIT Technology Review - MIT Technology Review
  5. Wired - Wired Magazine
  6. Fast Company - Fast Company

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