1. Codecademy: Interactive coding lessons for beginners. #LearnCoding #Codecademy [Website](https://www.codecademy.com/)
2. Coursera: Offers free programming courses from top universities. #FreeCourses #Coursera [Website](https://www.coursera.org/)
3. edX: Provides free programming courses from renowned institutions. #OnlineLearning #edX [Website](https://www.edx.org/)
4. Khan Academy: Offers introductory programming lessons and interactive challenges. #ProgrammingBasics #KhanAcademy [Website](https://www.khanacademy.org/computing)
5. MIT OpenCourseWare: Access MIT's computer science courses for free. #MITOCW #ComputerScience [Website](https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm)
6. Mozilla Developer Network (MDN): Comprehensive web development resources. #WebDevelopment #MDN [Website](https://developer.mozilla.org/)
7. freeCodeCamp: Learn web development and coding through projects. #WebDev #freeCodeCamp [Website](https://www.freecodecamp.org/)
8. Code.org: Programming courses for all ages, including kids. #CodingForKids #Code.org [Website](https://code.org/)
9. The Odin Project: Full-stack web development curriculum. #FullStack #OdinProject [Website](https://www.theodinproject.com/)
10. HackerRank: Practice coding challenges and compete in coding contests. #CodingChallenges #HackerRank [Website](https://www.hackerrank.com/domains/tutorials/10-days-of-javascript)
11. SoloLearn: Mobile-friendly coding lessons with a supportive community. #MobileLearning #SoloLearn [Website](https://www.sololearn.com/)
12. CS50's Introduction to Computer Science: Harvard's introductory course available online for free. #HarvardCS50 #OnlineCourse [Website](https://cs50.harvard.edu/)
13. W3Schools: Tutorials and references for web development technologies. #WebDevelopment #W3Schools [Website](https://www.w3schools.com/)
14. Grok Learning: Coding challenges and projects for students. #CodingProjects #GrokLearning [Website](https://groklearning.com/)
15. LearnPython.org: Free Python programming tutorials and exercises. #Python #LearnPython [Website](https://www.learnpython.org/)
16. Scratch: Visual programming language for beginners and kids. #VisualCoding #Scratch [Website](https://scratch.mit.edu/)
17. Stack Overflow: Programming community with answers to coding questions. #CodingCommunity #StackOverflow [Website](https://stackoverflow.com/)
18. CodeCombat: Learn to code through a fun, game-based approach. #CodingGames #CodeCombat [Website](https://codecombat.com/)
19. Code Avengers: Interactive coding lessons for web development and programming. #WebDev #CodeAvengers [Website](https://www.codeavengers.com/)
20. Programiz: Free tutorials and examples for various programming languages. #ProgrammingTutorials #Programiz [Website](https://www.programiz.com/)
These websites cover a wide range of programming languages and technologies, making them valuable resources for aspiring programmers.
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