Friday, September 8, 2023

#Terraform #cheatsheet covering key concepts and common commands

### Terraform Basics: ###

1. **Installation**:

   - Download Terraform from the [official website](

   - Install Terraform on your system.

2. **Initialization**:

   - `terraform init`: Initializes a new or existing Terraform working directory, downloading any necessary providers and modules.

3. **Configuration**:

   - Create a `.tf` file to define infrastructure as code (IaC) using HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL).

### Terraform CLI Commands:

4. **Plan**:

   - `terraform plan`: Generates an execution plan, displaying changes that will be made to infrastructure without applying them.

5. **Apply**:

   - `terraform apply`: Applies the changes defined in the configuration, creating or updating infrastructure.

6. **Destroy**:

   - `terraform destroy`: Destroys the resources defined in the configuration.

7. **Workspace**:

   - `terraform workspace new <name>`: Creates a new workspace.

   - `terraform workspace list`: Lists available workspaces.

   - `terraform workspace select <name>`: Switches to a different workspace.

   - `terraform workspace delete <name>`: Deletes a workspace.

8. **State Management**:

   - `terraform state list`: Lists resources in the Terraform state.

   - `terraform state show <resource>`: Displays details of a specific resource in the state.

   - `terraform state rm <resource>`: Removes a resource from the state.

9. **Variables**:

   - Define input variables in `.tf` files or use variable files.

   - `-var` or `-var-file` flags to specify variable values.

### Terraform Configuration:

10. **Providers**:

   - Define cloud or infrastructure providers (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP) in the configuration.

11. **Resources**:

   - Define resources (e.g., VMs, networks) to create or manage.

   - Use resource blocks like `resource "aws_instance" "example" { ... }`.

12. **Modules**:

   - Organize and reuse configurations using modules.

   - Include modules using `module` blocks.

13. **Data Sources**:

   - Fetch information from providers without creating resources.

   - Use data blocks like `data "aws_ami" "example" { ... }`.

14. **Outputs**:

   - Define values to be shown when `terraform apply` is executed.

   - Use output blocks like `output "instance_ip" { ... }`.

15. **Variables**:

   - Declare input variables using variable blocks.

   - Use variables in resource and module configurations.

### Terraform State and Backends:

16. **State File**:

   - Terraform stores its state in a file named `terraform.tfstate` by default.

17. **Remote State**:

   - Use remote backends (e.g., AWS S3, Azure Storage) for state storage.

   - Configure remote backends in the configuration.

### Best Practices:

18. **Code Structure**:

   - Organize Terraform configurations into modular and reusable components.

   - Use folders and modules for better organization.

19. **Variables and Outputs**:

   - Use variables and outputs for flexibility and readability.

   - Define default values and descriptions for variables.

20. **Documentation**:

   - Add comments and documentation to your Terraform code.

21. **Versioning**:

   - Specify a required Terraform version in the configuration.

   - Use version constraints in `provider` blocks.

22. **Environment Variables**:

   - Use environment variables (e.g., `TF_VAR_name`) to set variable values.

   - Environment variables take precedence over default values.

23. **Sensitive Data**:

   - Avoid storing sensitive data (e.g., secrets) directly in Terraform code.

   - Use environment variables or external secret management tools.

This Terraform cheat sheet provides a solid foundation for managing infrastructure as code using Terraform. Be sure to refer to the official Terraform documentation for more in-depth information and best practices.

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