Friday, September 29, 2023

Some Unique #command #tips and #tricks from #Linux

  •  Use the fold command to wrap long lines of text. This can be useful for making text easier to read in a terminal window. For example, to wrap lines that are longer than 80 characters, you would use the following command:

fold -w 80 myfile.txt
  • Use the tee command to split the output of a command into two or more streams. This can be useful for logging the output of a command to a file while also displaying it in the terminal window. For example, to log the output of the ls command to a file called mylog.txt, you would use the following command:
ls | tee mylog.txt
  • Use the xargs command to execute a command on a list of files or directories. This can be useful for automating tasks such as converting files or moving them to a different location. For example, to convert all of the PDF files in a directory to JPG files, you would use the following command:
find . -name "*.pdf" | xargs -I {} convert {} {}.jpg
  • Use the find command to search for files and directories based on various criteria. This can be useful for finding specific files or directories, or for finding all of the files and directories that match a certain pattern. For example, to find all of the files in a directory that have been modified in the past 24 hours, you would use the following command:
find . -mtime -1
  • Use the awk command to process text files. This can be useful for extracting specific data from text files, or for performing other types of text processing tasks. For example, to print the first column of a text file, you would use the following command:
awk '{print $1}' myfile.txt

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