Thursday, September 21, 2023

List of #Google #Cloud #Platform #Services

1. Google Compute Engine: Virtual machines in the cloud. #Compute #VMs

2. Google Kubernetes Engine: Managed Kubernetes for container orchestration. #Kubernetes #Containers

3. Google App Engine: Platform-as-a-Service for building and deploying web apps. #PaaS #WebApps

4. Google Cloud Functions: Serverless functions for event-driven programming. #Serverless #Functions

5. Google Cloud Storage: Scalable object storage for data, backups, and media. #Storage #Data

6. Google BigQuery: Fully managed, serverless, and highly scalable data warehouse. #BigData #Analytics

7. Google Cloud SQL: Managed relational database service. #Database #SQL

8. Google Cloud Pub/Sub: Messaging service for building event-driven systems. #PubSub #Messaging

9. Google Cloud Datastore: NoSQL database for application data. #NoSQL #Datastore

10. Google Cloud Spanner: Globally distributed, strongly consistent database. #Database #Spanner

11. Google Cloud Dataprep: Data preparation and cleaning tool. #DataPrep #ETL

12. Google Cloud Dataproc: Managed Apache Spark and Hadoop service. #BigData #Analytics

13. Google Cloud AutoML: Machine learning models without coding. #MachineLearning #AutoML

14. Google Cloud AI Platform: Machine learning development and deployment. #AI #ML

15. Google Cloud Vision: Image and video analysis for applications. #ImageRecognition #Vision

16. Google Cloud Natural Language: Text analysis for sentiment and entities. #NLP #TextAnalysis

17. Google Cloud Translation: Language translation service. #Translation #Language

18. Google Cloud Speech-to-Text: Speech recognition API. #SpeechRecognition #Voice

19. Google Cloud Text-to-Speech: Convert text to natural-sounding speech. #TextToSpeech #Voice

20. Google Cloud Video Intelligence: Video content analysis for metadata. #VideoAnalysis #Metadata

21. Google Cloud IoT Core: Managed IoT device registry and communication. #IoT #InternetOfThings

22. Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM): Access control for resources. #IAM #Security

23. Google Cloud Security Command Center: Security and risk management. #Security #RiskManagement

24. Google Cloud Load Balancing: Distribute incoming network traffic. #LoadBalancing #Networking

25. Google Cloud CDN: Content Delivery Network for faster web content. #CDN #ContentDelivery

26. Google Cloud Interconnect: Direct connections to Google Cloud. #Interconnect #Connectivity

27. Google Cloud VPN: Securely connect your network to Google Cloud. #VPN #Networking

28. Google Cloud Identity Platform: Identity and user management. #Identity #UserManagement

29. Google Cloud Storage for Firebase: Cloud storage for mobile and web apps. #Firebase #MobileApps

30. Google Cloud Endpoints: Deploy APIs with ease. #APIs #Endpoints

#GoogleCloud #CloudServices

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