- Apache JDO
- Apache .NET Ant Library
- Apache Accumulo
- Apache ActiveMQ
- Apache AGE
- Apache Airavata
- Apache Airflow
- Apache Allura
- Apache Ambari
- Apache Anakia
- Apache Annotator (Incubating)
- Apache Ant
- Apache AntUnit
- Apache Any23 (in the Attic)
- Apache Apex (in the Attic)
- Apache APISIX
- Apache Archiva
- Apache Aries
- Apache arrow
- Apache AsterixDB
- Apache Atlas
- Apache Avro
- Apache Axiom
- Apache Axis2
- Apache Bahir
- Apache Baremaps (Incubating)
- Apache Batik
- Apache Beam
- Apache Beehive (in the Attic)
- Apache Bigtop
- Apache Bloodhound
- Apache BookKeeper
- Apache Brooklyn
- Apache bRPC
- Apache Buildr (in the Attic)
- Apache BuildStream
- Apache BVal
- Apache Calcite
- Apache Camel
- Apache CarbonData
- Apache Cassandra
- Apache Causeway
- Apache Cayenne
- Apache Celeborn (Incubating)
- Apache Celix
- Apache Chainsaw
- Apache Chemistry (in the Attic)
- Apache Chukwa (in the Attic)
- Apache Clerezza (in the Attic)
- Apache Click (in the Attic)
- Apache CloudStack
- Apache Cocoon
- Apache Commons BCEL
- Apache Commons BeanUtils
- Apache Commons BSF
- Apache Commons Chain
- Apache Commons CLI
- Apache Commons Codec
- Apache Commons Collections
- Apache Commons Compress
- Apache Commons Configuration
- Apache Commons Crypto
- Apache Commons CSV
- Apache Commons Daemon
- Apache Commons DBCP
- Apache Commons DbUtils
- Apache Commons Digester
- Apache Commons Email
- Apache Commons Exec
- Apache Commons FileUpload
- Apache Commons Functor
- Apache Commons Geometry
- Apache Commons HttpClient
- Apache Commons Imaging
- Apache Commons IO
- Apache Commons JCI
- Apache Commons JCS
- Apache Commons Jelly
- Apache Commons JEXL
- Apache Commons JXPath
- Apache Commons Lang
- Apache Commons Logging
- Apache Commons Math
- Apache Commons Net
- Apache Commons Numbers
- Apache Commons OGNL
- Apache Commons Pool
- Apache Commons Proxy
- Apache Commons RDF
- Apache Commons RNG
- Apache Commons SCXML
- Apache Commons Statistics
- Apache Commons Text
- Apache Commons Validator
- Apache Commons VFS
- Apache Commons Weaver
- Apache Community Development
- Apache Compress Ant Library
- Apache Continuum (in the Attic)
- Apache Cordova
- Apache CouchDB
- Apache Crunch (in the Attic)
- Apache cTAKES
- Apache Curator
- Apache CXF
- Apache Daffodil
- Apache DataFu
- Apache DataLab (Incubating)
- Apache DataSketches
- Apache Deltacloud (in the Attic)
- Apache DeltaSpike
- Apache Derby
- Apache DeviceMap (in the Attic)
- Apache DevLake (Incubating)
- Apache DirectMemory (in the Attic)
- Apache Directory
- Apache Directory Server
- Apache Directory Studio
- Apache DolphinScheduler
- Apache Doris
- Apache Drill
- Apache Druid
- Apache Dubbo
- Apache ECharts
- Apache ECS (in the Attic)
- Apache Empire-db
- Apache ESME (in the Attic)
- Apache Etch (in the Attic)
- Apache EventMesh
- Apache Excalibur (in the Attic)
- Apache Falcon (in the Attic)
- Apache Felix
- Apache Fineract
- Apache Flagon
- Apache Flex
- Apache Flink
- Apache Flume
- Apache Fluo
- Apache Fluo Recipes
- Apache Fluo YARN
- Apache FOP
- Apache Forrest (in the Attic)
- Apache Fortress
- Apache FreeMarker
- Apache FtpServer
- Apache Geode
- Apache Geronimo
- Apache Giraph
- Apache Gobblin
- Apache Gora
- Apache Griffin
- Apache Groovy
- Apache Guacamole
- Apache Gump
- Apache Hadoop
- Apache Hama (in the Attic)
- Apache Harmony (in the Attic)
- Apache HAWQ
- Apache HBase
- Apache Helix
- Apache Hive
- Apache Hivemind (in the Attic)
- Apache Hop
- Apache HTTP Server
- Apache HttpComponents Client
- Apache HttpComponents Core
- Apache Hudi
- Apache HugeGraph (Incubating)
- Apache Iceberg
- Apache Ignite
- Apache Impala
- Apache InLong
- Apache IoTDB
- Apache Ivy
- Apache IvyDE
- Apache Jackrabbit
- Apache Jakarta Cactus (in the Attic)
- Apache JAMES
- Apache jclouds
- Apache Jena
- Apache JMeter
- Apache Johnzon
- Apache JSPWiki
- Apache Juneau
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Karaf
- Apache Kerby
- Apache Kibble
- Apache KIE (Incubating)
- Apache Knox
- Apache Kudu
- Apache Kvrocks
- Apache Kylin
- Apache Kyuubi
- Apache Lens (in the Attic)
- Apache Lenya (in the Attic)
- Apache Libcloud
- Apache Liminal (Incubating)
- Apache Linkis
- Apache Livy (Incubating)
- Apache log4cxx
- Apache Log4j
- Apache log4net
- Apache log4php
- Apache Lucene Core
- Apache Lucene.Net
- Apache Lucy (in the Attic)
- Apache MADlib
- Apache Mahout
- Apache ManifoldCF
- Apache Marmotta (in the Attic)
- Apache Maven
- Apache Maven Doxia
- Apache Mesos
- Apache MetaModel (in the Attic)
- Apache Milagro (Incubating)
- Apache MINA
- Apache Mnemonic
- Apache mod_ftp
- Apache mod_perl
- Apache MRUnit (in the Attic)
- Apache MXNet
- Apache MXNet (Incubating)
- Apache MyFaces
- Apache Mynewt
- Apache Nemo (Incubating)
- Apache NetBeans
- Apache NiFi
- Apache NLPCraft (Incubating)
- Apache Nutch
- Apache NuttX
- Apache ODE (in the Attic)
- Apache OFBiz
- Apache Olingo
- Apache Oltu - Parent (in the Attic)
- Apache OODT (in the Attic)
- Apache Oozie
- Apache Open Climate Workbench (in the Attic)
- Apache OpenDAL (Incubating)
- Apache OpenJPA
- Apache OpenMeetings
- Apache OpenNLP
- Apache OpenOffice
- Apache OpenWebBeans
- Apache OpenWhisk
- Apache ORC
- Apache ORO (in the Attic)
- Apache Ozone
- Apache Paimon (Incubating)
- Apache Parquet
- Apache PDFBox
- Apache Pegasus (Incubating)
- Apache Pekko (Incubating)
- Apache Petri
- Apache Phoenix
- Apache Pig
- Apache Pinot
- Apache Pivot
- Apache PLC4X
- Apache POI
- Apache Polygene (in the Attic)
- Apache Pony Mail (Incubating)
- Apache Portable Runtime
- Apache Portals
- Apache PredictionIO (in the Attic)
- Apache Props Ant Library
- Apache Pulsar
- Apache PyLucene
- Apache Qpid
- Apache Ranger
- Apache Rat
- Apache Ratis
- Apache REEF (in the Attic)
- Apache Regexp (in the Attic)
- Apache River (in the Attic)
- Apache rivet
- Apache RocketMQ
- Apache Roller
- Apache Royale
- Apache Rya
- Apache Samza
- Apache Sandesha2
- Apache Santuario
- Apache SDAP (Incubating)
- Apache SeaTunnel
- Apache Sedona
- Apache Serf
- Apache ServiceComb
- Apache ServiceMix
- Apache Shale (in the Attic)
- Apache ShardingSphere
- Apache ShenYu
- Apache Shindig (in the Attic)
- Apache Shiro
- Apache SINGA
- Apache SkyWalking
- Apache Sling
- Apache Solr
- Apache Solr Operator
- Apache SpamAssassin
- Apache Spark
- Apache Spatial Information System
- Apache Sqoop (in the Attic)
- Apache SSHD
- Apache Stanbol (in the Attic)
- Apache Steve
- Apache Storm
- Apache Stratos (in the Attic)
- Apache StreamPark (Incubating)
- Apache StreamPipes
- Apache Streams
- Apache Struts
- Apache Submarine
- Apache Subversion
- Apache Superset
- Apache Synapse
- Apache Syncope
- Apache SystemDS
- Apache Tajo (in the Attic)
- Apache Tapestry
- Apache Teaclave (Incubating)
- Apache Tentacles
- Apache Texen
- Apache Tez
- Apache Thrift
- Apache Tika
- Apache Tiles (in the Attic)
- Apache TinkerPop
- Apache Tobago
- Apache Tomcat
- Apache TomEE
- Apache Toree (Incubating)
- Apache Torque
- Apache Traffic Control
- Apache Traffic Server
- Apache Trafodion (in the Attic)
- Apache Training (Incubating)
- Apache Turbine
- Apache Tuscany (in the Attic)
- Apache TVM
- Apache UIMA
- Apache Uniffle (Incubating)
- Apache Unomi
- Apache VCL
- Apache Velocity
- Apache Velocity DVSL
- Apache Velocity Tools
- Apache VSS Ant Library
- Apache VXQuery (in the Attic)
- Apache Vysper
- Apache Wayang (Incubating)
- Apache Websh
- Apache Whimsy
- Apache Whirr (in the Attic)
- Apache Whisker
- Apache Wicket
- Apache Wink (in the Attic)
- Apache Woden
- Apache Wookie (in the Attic)
- Apache Xalan for C++ XSLT Processor
- Apache Xalan for Java XSLT Processor
- Apache Xerces for C++ XML Parser
- Apache Xerces for Java XML Parser
- Apache Xerces for Perl XML Parser
- Apache Xindice (in the Attic)
- Apache XML Commons External
- Apache XML Commons Resolver
- Apache XML Graphics Commons
- Apache XMLBeans
- Apache Yetus
- Apache YuniKorn
- Apache Zeppelin
- Apache ZooKeeper
#ApacheJDO, #ApacheNETAntLibrary, #ApacheAccumulo, #ApacheActiveMQ, #ApacheAGE,
#ApacheAiravata, #ApacheAirflow, #ApacheAllura, #ApacheAmbari, #ApacheAnakia,
#ApacheAnnotator, #ApacheAnt, #ApacheAntUnit, #ApacheAny23, #ApacheApex,
#ApacheAPISIX, #ApacheArchiva, #ApacheAries, #ApacheArrow, #ApacheAsterixDB,
#ApacheAtlas, #ApacheAvro, #ApacheAxiom, #ApacheAxis2, #ApacheBahir,
#ApacheBaremaps, #ApacheBatik, #ApacheBeam, #ApacheBeehive, #ApacheBigtop,
#ApacheBloodhound, #ApacheBookKeeper, #ApacheBrooklyn, #ApacheBRPC,
#ApacheBuildr, #ApacheBuildStream, #ApacheBVal, #ApacheCalcite, #ApacheCamel,
#ApacheCarbonData, #ApacheCassandra, #ApacheCauseway, #ApacheCayenne,
#ApacheCeleborn, #ApacheCelix, #ApacheChainsaw, #ApacheChemistry, #ApacheChukwa,
#ApacheClerezza, #ApacheClick, #ApacheCloudStack, #ApacheCocoon,
#ApacheCommonsBCEL, #ApacheCommonsBeanUtils, #ApacheCommonsBSF,
#ApacheCommonsChain, #ApacheCommonsCLI, #ApacheCommonsCodec,
#ApacheCommonsCollections, #ApacheCommonsCompress, #ApacheCommonsConfiguration,
#ApacheCommonsCrypto, #ApacheCommonsCSV, #ApacheCommonsDaemon, #ApacheCommonsDBCP,
#ApacheCommonsDbUtils, #ApacheCommonsDigester, #ApacheCommonsEmail,
#ApacheCommonsExec, #ApacheCommonsFileUpload, #ApacheCommonsFunctor,
#ApacheCommonsGeometry, #ApacheCommonsHttpClient, #ApacheCommonsImaging,
#ApacheCommonsIO, #ApacheCommonsJCI, #ApacheCommonsJCS, #ApacheCommonsJelly,
#ApacheCommonsJEXL, #ApacheCommonsJXPath, #ApacheCommonsLang,
#ApacheCommonsLogging, #ApacheCommonsMath, #ApacheCommonsNet,
#ApacheCommonsNumbers, #ApacheCommonsOGNL, #ApacheCommonsPool,
#ApacheCommonsProxy, #ApacheCommonsRDF, #ApacheCommonsRNG,
#ApacheCommonsSCXML, #ApacheCommonsStatistics, #ApacheCommonsText,
#ApacheCommonsValidator, #ApacheCommonsVFS, #ApacheCommonsWeaver,
#ApacheCommunityDevelopment, #ApacheCompressAntLibrary, #ApacheContinuum,
#ApacheCordova, #ApacheCouchDB, #ApacheCrunch, #ApacheCTAKES, #ApacheCurator,
#ApacheCXF, #ApacheDaffodil, #ApacheDataFu, #ApacheDataLab, #ApacheDataSketches,
#ApacheDeltacloud, #ApacheDeltaSpike, #ApacheDerby, #ApacheDeviceMap,
#ApacheDevLake, #ApacheDirectMemory, #ApacheDirectory, #ApacheDirectoryServer,
#ApacheDirectoryStudio, #ApacheDolphinScheduler, #ApacheDoris, #ApacheDrill,
#ApacheDruid, #ApacheDubbo, #ApacheECharts, #ApacheECS, #ApacheEmpiredb,
#ApacheESME, #ApacheEtch, #ApacheEventMesh, #ApacheExcalibur, #ApacheFalcon,
#ApacheFelix, #ApacheFineract, #ApacheFlagon, #ApacheFlex, #ApacheFlink,
#ApacheFlume, #ApacheFluo, #ApacheFluoRecipes, #ApacheFluoYARN, #ApacheFOP,
#ApacheForrest, #ApacheFortress, #ApacheFreeMarker, #ApacheFtpServer,
#ApacheGeode, #ApacheGeronimo, #ApacheGiraph, #ApacheGobblin, #ApacheGora,
#ApacheGriffin, #ApacheGroovy, #ApacheGuacamole, #ApacheGump, #ApacheHadoop,
#ApacheHama, #ApacheHarmony, #ApacheHAWQ, #ApacheHBase, #ApacheHelix, #ApacheHive,
#ApacheHivemind, #ApacheHop, #ApacheHTTPServer, #ApacheHttpComponentsClient,
#ApacheHttpComponentsCore, #ApacheHudi, #ApacheHugeGraph, #ApacheIceberg,
#ApacheIgnite, #ApacheImpala, #ApacheInLong, #ApacheIoTDB, #ApacheIvy,
#ApacheIvyDE, #ApacheJackrabbit, #ApacheJakartaCactus, #ApacheJAMES,
#ApacheJclouds, #ApacheJena, #ApacheJMeter, #ApacheJohnzon, #ApacheJSPWiki,
#ApacheJuneau, #ApacheKafka, #ApacheKaraf, #ApacheKerby, #ApacheKibble,
#ApacheKIE, #ApacheKnox, #ApacheKudu, #ApacheKvrocks, #ApacheKylin, #ApacheKyuibi,
#ApacheLens, #ApacheLenya, #ApacheLibcloud, #ApacheLiminal, #ApacheLinkis,
#ApacheLivy, #Apachelog4cxx, #Apachelog4j, #Apachelog4net, #Apachelog4php,
#ApacheluceneCore, #ApacheluceneNet, #Apachelucy, #Apachemadlib, #Apachemahout,
#ApachemanifoldCF, #Apachemarmotta, #Apachemaven, #ApachemavenDoxia,
#Apachemesos, #ApachemetaModel, #Apachemilagro, #Apachemina, #Apachemodftp,
#Apachemodperl, #ApachemrUnit, #Apachemxnet, #Apachemxnet, #ApachemyFaces,
#Apachemynewt, #ApacheNemo, #ApacheNetBeans, #ApacheNiFi, #ApacheNLPCraft,
#ApacheNutch, #ApacheNuttX, #ApacheODE, #ApacheOFBiz, #ApacheOlingo, #ApacheOltu,
#ApacheOODT, #ApacheOozie, #ApacheOpenClimateWorkbench, #ApacheOpenDAL,
#ApacheOpenJPA, #ApacheOpenMeetings, #ApacheOpenNLP, #ApacheOpenOffice,
#ApacheOpenWebBeans, #ApacheOpenWhisk, #ApacheORC, #ApacheORO, #ApacheOzone,
#ApachePaimon, #ApacheParquet, #ApachePDFBox, #ApachePegasus, #ApachePekko,
#ApachePetri, #ApachePhoenix, #ApachePig, #ApachePinot, #ApachePivot,
#ApachePLC4X, #ApachePOI, #ApachePolygene, #ApachePonyMail, #ApachePortableRuntime,
#ApachePortals, #ApachePredictionIO, #ApachePropsAntLibrary, #ApachePulsar,
#ApachePyLucene, #ApacheQpid, #ApacheRanger, #ApacheRat, #ApacheRatis,
#ApacheREEF, #ApacheRegexp, #ApacheRiver, #Apacherivet, #ApacheRocketMQ,
#ApacheRoller, #ApacheRoyale, #ApacheRya, #ApacheSamza, #ApacheSandesha2,
#ApacheSantuario, #ApacheSDAP, #ApacheSeaTunnel, #ApacheSedona, #ApacheSerf,
#ApacheServiceComb, #ApacheServiceMix, #ApacheShale, #ApacheShardingSphere,
#ApacheShenYu, #ApacheShindig, #ApacheShiro, #ApacheSINGA, #ApacheSkyWalking,
#ApacheSling, #ApacheSolr, #ApacheSolrOperator, #ApacheSpamAssassin,
#ApacheSpark, #ApacheSpatialInformationSystem, #ApacheSqoop, #ApacheSSHD,
#ApacheStanbol, #ApacheSteve, #ApacheStorm, #ApacheStratos, #ApacheStreamPark,
#ApacheStreamPipes, #ApacheStreams, #ApacheStruts, #ApacheSubmarine,
#ApacheSubversion, #ApacheSuperset, #ApacheSynapse, #ApacheSyncope, #ApacheSystemDS,
#ApacheTajo, #ApacheTapestry, #ApacheTeaclave, #ApacheTez, #ApacheThrift,
#ApacheTika, #ApacheTiles, #ApacheTinkerPop, #ApacheTobago, #ApacheTomcat,
#ApacheTomEE, #ApacheToree, #ApacheTorque, #ApacheTrafficControl,
#ApacheTrafficServer, #ApacheTrafodion, #ApacheTraining, #ApacheTurbine,
#ApacheTuscany, #ApacheTVM, #ApacheUIMA, #ApacheUniffle, #ApacheUnomi,
#ApacheVCL, #ApacheVelocity, #ApacheVelocityDVSL, #ApacheVelocityTools,
#ApacheVSSAntLibrary, #ApacheVXQuery, #ApacheVysper, #ApacheWayang, #ApacheWebsh,
#ApacheWhimsy, #ApacheWhirr, #ApacheWhisker, #ApacheWicket, #ApacheWink,
#ApacheWoden, #ApacheWookie, #ApacheXalanforCXXSLTProcessor,
#ApacheXalanforJavaXSLTProcessor, #ApacheXercesforCXXMLParser,
#ApacheXercesforJavaXMLParser, #ApacheXercesforPerlXMLParser,
#ApacheXindice, #ApacheXMLCommonsExternal, #ApacheXMLCommonsResolver,
#ApacheXMLGraphicsCommons, #ApacheXMLBeans, #ApacheYetus, #ApacheYuniKorn,
#ApacheZeppelin, #ApacheZooKeeper
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