Apache JDO
Apache .NET Ant Library
Apache Accumulo
Apache ActiveMQ
Apache AGE
Apache Airavata
Apache Airflow
Apache Allura
Apache Ambari
Apache Anakia
Apache Annotator (Incubating)
Apache Ant
Apache AntUnit
Apache Any23 (in the Attic)
Apache Apex (in the Attic)
Apache Archiva
Apache Aries
Apache arrow
Apache AsterixDB
Apache Atlas
Apache Avro
Apache Axiom
Apache Axis2
Apache Bahir
Apache Baremaps (Incubating)
Apache Batik
Apache Beam
Apache Beehive (in the Attic)
Apache Bigtop
Apache Bloodhound
Apache BookKeeper
Apache Brooklyn
Apache bRPC
Apache Buildr (in the Attic)
Apache BuildStream
Apache BVal
Apache Calcite
Apache Camel
Apache CarbonData
Apache Cassandra
Apache Causeway
Apache Cayenne
Apache Celeborn (Incubating)
Apache Celix
Apache Chainsaw
Apache Chemistry (in the Attic)
Apache Chukwa (in the Attic)
Apache Clerezza (in the Attic)
Apache Click (in the Attic)
Apache CloudStack
Apache Cocoon
Apache Commons BCEL
Apache Commons BeanUtils
Apache Commons BSF
Apache Commons Chain
Apache Commons CLI
Apache Commons Codec
Apache Commons Collections
Apache Commons Compress
Apache Commons Configuration
Apache Commons Crypto
Apache Commons CSV
Apache Commons Daemon
Apache Commons DBCP
Apache Commons DbUtils
Apache Commons Digester
Apache Commons Email
Apache Commons Exec
Apache Commons FileUpload
Apache Commons Functor
Apache Commons Geometry
Apache Commons HttpClient
Apache Commons Imaging
Apache Commons IO
Apache Commons JCI
Apache Commons JCS
Apache Commons Jelly
Apache Commons JEXL
Apache Commons JXPath
Apache Commons Lang
Apache Commons Logging
Apache Commons Math
Apache Commons Net
Apache Commons Numbers
Apache Commons OGNL
Apache Commons Pool
Apache Commons Proxy
Apache Commons RDF
Apache Commons RNG
Apache Commons SCXML
Apache Commons Statistics
Apache Commons Text
Apache Commons Validator
Apache Commons VFS
Apache Commons Weaver
Apache Community Development
Apache Compress Ant Library
Apache Continuum (in the Attic)
Apache Cordova
Apache CouchDB
Apache Crunch (in the Attic)
Apache cTAKES
Apache Curator
Apache CXF
Apache Daffodil
Apache DataFu
Apache DataLab (Incubating)
Apache DataSketches
Apache Deltacloud (in the Attic)
Apache DeltaSpike
Apache Derby
Apache DeviceMap (in the Attic)
Apache DevLake (Incubating)
Apache DirectMemory (in the Attic)
Apache Directory
Apache Directory Server
Apache Directory Studio
Apache DolphinScheduler
Apache Doris
Apache Drill
Apache Druid
Apache Dubbo
Apache ECharts
Apache ECS (in the Attic)
Apache Empire-db
Apache ESME (in the Attic)
Apache Etch (in the Attic)
Apache EventMesh
Apache Excalibur (in the Attic)
Apache Falcon (in the Attic)
Apache Felix
Apache Fineract
Apache Flagon
Apache Flex
Apache Flink
Apache Flume
Apache Fluo
Apache Fluo Recipes
Apache Fluo YARN
Apache FOP
Apache Forrest (in the Attic)
Apache Fortress
Apache FreeMarker
Apache FtpServer
Apache Geode
Apache Geronimo
Apache Giraph
Apache Gobblin
Apache Gora
Apache Griffin
Apache Groovy
Apache Guacamole
Apache Gump
Apache Hadoop
Apache Hama (in the Attic)
Apache Harmony (in the Attic)
Apache HAWQ
Apache HBase
Apache Helix
Apache Hive
Apache Hivemind (in the Attic)
Apache Hop
Apache HTTP Server
Apache HttpComponents Client
Apache HttpComponents Core
Apache Hudi
Apache HugeGraph (Incubating)
Apache Iceberg
Apache Ignite
Apache Impala
Apache InLong
Apache IoTDB
Apache Ivy
Apache IvyDE
Apache Jackrabbit
Apache Jakarta Cactus (in the Attic)
Apache JAMES
Apache jclouds
Apache Jena
Apache JMeter
Apache Johnzon
Apache JSPWiki
Apache Juneau
Apache Kafka
Apache Karaf
Apache Kerby
Apache Kibble
Apache KIE (Incubating)
Apache Knox
Apache Kudu
Apache Kvrocks
Apache Kylin
Apache Kyuubi
Apache Lens (in the Attic)
Apache Lenya (in the Attic)
Apache Libcloud
Apache Liminal (Incubating)
Apache Linkis
Apache Livy (Incubating)
Apache log4cxx
Apache Log4j
Apache log4net
Apache log4php
Apache Lucene Core
Apache Lucene.Net
Apache Lucy (in the Attic)
Apache MADlib
Apache Mahout
Apache ManifoldCF
Apache Marmotta (in the Attic)
Apache Maven
Apache Maven Doxia
Apache Mesos
Apache MetaModel (in the Attic)
Apache Milagro (Incubating)
Apache MINA
Apache Mnemonic
Apache mod_ftp
Apache mod_perl
Apache MRUnit (in the Attic)
Apache MXNet
Apache MXNet (Incubating)
Apache MyFaces
Apache Mynewt
Apache Nemo (Incubating)
Apache NetBeans
Apache NiFi
Apache NLPCraft (Incubating)
Apache Nutch
Apache NuttX
Apache ODE (in the Attic)
Apache OFBiz
Apache Olingo
Apache Oltu - Parent (in the Attic)
Apache OODT (in the Attic)
Apache Oozie
Apache Open Climate Workbench (in the Attic)
Apache OpenDAL (Incubating)
Apache OpenJPA
Apache OpenMeetings
Apache OpenNLP
Apache OpenOffice
Apache OpenWebBeans
Apache OpenWhisk
Apache ORC
Apache ORO (in the Attic)
Apache Ozone
Apache Paimon (Incubating)
Apache Parquet
Apache PDFBox
Apache Pegasus (Incubating)
Apache Pekko (Incubating)
Apache Petri
Apache Phoenix
Apache Pig
Apache Pinot
Apache Pivot
Apache PLC4X
Apache POI
Apache Polygene (in the Attic)
Apache Pony Mail (Incubating)
Apache Portable Runtime
Apache Portals
Apache PredictionIO (in the Attic)
Apache Props Ant Library
Apache Pulsar
Apache PyLucene
Apache Qpid
Apache Ranger
Apache Rat
Apache Ratis
Apache REEF (in the Attic)
Apache Regexp (in the Attic)
Apache River (in the Attic)
Apache rivet
Apache RocketMQ
Apache Roller
Apache Royale
Apache Rya
Apache Samza
Apache Sandesha2
Apache Santuario
Apache SDAP (Incubating)
Apache SeaTunnel
Apache Sedona
Apache Serf
Apache ServiceComb
Apache ServiceMix
Apache Shale (in the Attic)
Apache ShardingSphere
Apache ShenYu
Apache Shindig (in the Attic)
Apache Shiro
Apache SINGA
Apache SkyWalking
Apache Sling
Apache Solr
Apache Solr Operator
Apache SpamAssassin
Apache Spark
Apache Spatial Information System
Apache Sqoop (in the Attic)
Apache SSHD
Apache Stanbol (in the Attic)
Apache Steve
Apache Storm
Apache Stratos (in the Attic)
Apache StreamPark (Incubating)
Apache StreamPipes
Apache Streams
Apache Struts
Apache Submarine
Apache Subversion
Apache Superset
Apache Synapse
Apache Syncope
Apache SystemDS
Apache Tajo (in the Attic)
Apache Tapestry
Apache Teaclave (Incubating)
Apache Tentacles
Apache Texen
Apache Tez
Apache Thrift
Apache Tika
Apache Tiles (in the Attic)
Apache TinkerPop
Apache Tobago
Apache Tomcat
Apache TomEE
Apache Toree (Incubating)
Apache Torque
Apache Traffic Control
Apache Traffic Server
Apache Trafodion (in the Attic)
Apache Training (Incubating)
Apache Turbine
Apache Tuscany (in the Attic)
Apache TVM
Apache UIMA
Apache Uniffle (Incubating)
Apache Unomi
Apache VCL
Apache Velocity
Apache Velocity DVSL
Apache Velocity Tools
Apache VSS Ant Library
Apache VXQuery (in the Attic)
Apache Vysper
Apache Wayang (Incubating)
Apache Websh
Apache Whimsy
Apache Whirr (in the Attic)
Apache Whisker
Apache Wicket
Apache Wink (in the Attic)
Apache Woden
Apache Wookie (in the Attic)
Apache Xalan for C++ XSLT Processor
Apache Xalan for Java XSLT Processor
Apache Xerces for C++ XML Parser
Apache Xerces for Java XML Parser
Apache Xerces for Perl XML Parser
Apache Xindice (in the Attic)
Apache XML Commons External
Apache XML Commons Resolver
Apache XML Graphics Commons
Apache XMLBeans
Apache Yetus
Apache YuniKorn
Apache Zeppelin
Apache ZooKeeper
#ApacheJDO, #ApacheNETAntLibrary, #ApacheAccumulo, #ApacheActiveMQ, #ApacheAGE,
#ApacheAiravata, #ApacheAirflow, #ApacheAllura, #ApacheAmbari, #ApacheAnakia,
#ApacheAnnotator, #ApacheAnt, #ApacheAntUnit, #ApacheAny23, #ApacheApex,
#ApacheAPISIX, #ApacheArchiva, #ApacheAries, #ApacheArrow, #ApacheAsterixDB,
#ApacheAtlas, #ApacheAvro, #ApacheAxiom, #ApacheAxis2, #ApacheBahir,
#ApacheBaremaps, #ApacheBatik, #ApacheBeam, #ApacheBeehive, #ApacheBigtop,
#ApacheBloodhound, #ApacheBookKeeper, #ApacheBrooklyn, #ApacheBRPC,
#ApacheBuildr, #ApacheBuildStream, #ApacheBVal, #ApacheCalcite, #ApacheCamel,
#ApacheCarbonData, #ApacheCassandra, #ApacheCauseway, #ApacheCayenne,
#ApacheCeleborn, #ApacheCelix, #ApacheChainsaw, #ApacheChemistry, #ApacheChukwa,
#ApacheClerezza, #ApacheClick, #ApacheCloudStack, #ApacheCocoon,
#ApacheCommonsBCEL, #ApacheCommonsBeanUtils, #ApacheCommonsBSF,
#ApacheCommonsChain, #ApacheCommonsCLI, #ApacheCommonsCodec,
#ApacheCommonsCollections, #ApacheCommonsCompress, #ApacheCommonsConfiguration,
#ApacheCommonsCrypto, #ApacheCommonsCSV, #ApacheCommonsDaemon, #ApacheCommonsDBCP,
#ApacheCommonsDbUtils, #ApacheCommonsDigester, #ApacheCommonsEmail,
#ApacheCommonsExec, #ApacheCommonsFileUpload, #ApacheCommonsFunctor,
#ApacheCommonsGeometry, #ApacheCommonsHttpClient, #ApacheCommonsImaging,
#ApacheCommonsIO, #ApacheCommonsJCI, #ApacheCommonsJCS, #ApacheCommonsJelly,
#ApacheCommonsJEXL, #ApacheCommonsJXPath, #ApacheCommonsLang,
#ApacheCommonsLogging, #ApacheCommonsMath, #ApacheCommonsNet,
#ApacheCommonsNumbers, #ApacheCommonsOGNL, #ApacheCommonsPool,
#ApacheCommonsProxy, #ApacheCommonsRDF, #ApacheCommonsRNG,
#ApacheCommonsSCXML, #ApacheCommonsStatistics, #ApacheCommonsText,
#ApacheCommonsValidator, #ApacheCommonsVFS, #ApacheCommonsWeaver,
#ApacheCommunityDevelopment, #ApacheCompressAntLibrary, #ApacheContinuum,
#ApacheCordova, #ApacheCouchDB, #ApacheCrunch, #ApacheCTAKES, #ApacheCurator,
#ApacheCXF, #ApacheDaffodil, #ApacheDataFu, #ApacheDataLab, #ApacheDataSketches,
#ApacheDeltacloud, #ApacheDeltaSpike, #ApacheDerby, #ApacheDeviceMap,
#ApacheDevLake, #ApacheDirectMemory, #ApacheDirectory, #ApacheDirectoryServer,
#ApacheDirectoryStudio, #ApacheDolphinScheduler, #ApacheDoris, #ApacheDrill,
#ApacheDruid, #ApacheDubbo, #ApacheECharts, #ApacheECS, #ApacheEmpiredb,
#ApacheESME, #ApacheEtch, #ApacheEventMesh, #ApacheExcalibur, #ApacheFalcon,
#ApacheFelix, #ApacheFineract, #ApacheFlagon, #ApacheFlex, #ApacheFlink,
#ApacheFlume, #ApacheFluo, #ApacheFluoRecipes, #ApacheFluoYARN, #ApacheFOP,
#ApacheForrest, #ApacheFortress, #ApacheFreeMarker, #ApacheFtpServer,
#ApacheGeode, #ApacheGeronimo, #ApacheGiraph, #ApacheGobblin, #ApacheGora,
#ApacheGriffin, #ApacheGroovy, #ApacheGuacamole, #ApacheGump, #ApacheHadoop,
#ApacheHama, #ApacheHarmony, #ApacheHAWQ, #ApacheHBase, #ApacheHelix, #ApacheHive,
#ApacheHivemind, #ApacheHop, #ApacheHTTPServer, #ApacheHttpComponentsClient,
#ApacheHttpComponentsCore, #ApacheHudi, #ApacheHugeGraph, #ApacheIceberg,
#ApacheIgnite, #ApacheImpala, #ApacheInLong, #ApacheIoTDB, #ApacheIvy,
#ApacheIvyDE, #ApacheJackrabbit, #ApacheJakartaCactus, #ApacheJAMES,
#ApacheJclouds, #ApacheJena, #ApacheJMeter, #ApacheJohnzon, #ApacheJSPWiki,
#ApacheJuneau, #ApacheKafka, #ApacheKaraf, #ApacheKerby, #ApacheKibble,
#ApacheKIE, #ApacheKnox, #ApacheKudu, #ApacheKvrocks, #ApacheKylin, #ApacheKyuibi,
#ApacheLens, #ApacheLenya, #ApacheLibcloud, #ApacheLiminal, #ApacheLinkis,
#ApacheLivy, #Apachelog4cxx, #Apachelog4j, #Apachelog4net, #Apachelog4php,
#ApacheluceneCore, #ApacheluceneNet, #Apachelucy, #Apachemadlib, #Apachemahout,
#ApachemanifoldCF, #Apachemarmotta, #Apachemaven, #ApachemavenDoxia,
#Apachemesos, #ApachemetaModel, #Apachemilagro, #Apachemina, #Apachemodftp,
#Apachemodperl, #ApachemrUnit, #Apachemxnet, #Apachemxnet, #ApachemyFaces,
#Apachemynewt, #ApacheNemo, #ApacheNetBeans, #ApacheNiFi, #ApacheNLPCraft,
#ApacheNutch, #ApacheNuttX, #ApacheODE, #ApacheOFBiz, #ApacheOlingo, #ApacheOltu,
#ApacheOODT, #ApacheOozie, #ApacheOpenClimateWorkbench, #ApacheOpenDAL,
#ApacheOpenJPA, #ApacheOpenMeetings, #ApacheOpenNLP, #ApacheOpenOffice,
#ApacheOpenWebBeans, #ApacheOpenWhisk, #ApacheORC, #ApacheORO, #ApacheOzone,
#ApachePaimon, #ApacheParquet, #ApachePDFBox, #ApachePegasus, #ApachePekko,
#ApachePetri, #ApachePhoenix, #ApachePig, #ApachePinot, #ApachePivot,
#ApachePLC4X, #ApachePOI, #ApachePolygene, #ApachePonyMail, #ApachePortableRuntime,
#ApachePortals, #ApachePredictionIO, #ApachePropsAntLibrary, #ApachePulsar,
#ApachePyLucene, #ApacheQpid, #ApacheRanger, #ApacheRat, #ApacheRatis,
#ApacheREEF, #ApacheRegexp, #ApacheRiver, #Apacherivet, #ApacheRocketMQ,
#ApacheRoller, #ApacheRoyale, #ApacheRya, #ApacheSamza, #ApacheSandesha2,
#ApacheSantuario, #ApacheSDAP, #ApacheSeaTunnel, #ApacheSedona, #ApacheSerf,
#ApacheServiceComb, #ApacheServiceMix, #ApacheShale, #ApacheShardingSphere,
#ApacheShenYu, #ApacheShindig, #ApacheShiro, #ApacheSINGA, #ApacheSkyWalking,
#ApacheSling, #ApacheSolr, #ApacheSolrOperator, #ApacheSpamAssassin,
#ApacheSpark, #ApacheSpatialInformationSystem, #ApacheSqoop, #ApacheSSHD,
#ApacheStanbol, #ApacheSteve, #ApacheStorm, #ApacheStratos, #ApacheStreamPark,
#ApacheStreamPipes, #ApacheStreams, #ApacheStruts, #ApacheSubmarine,
#ApacheSubversion, #ApacheSuperset, #ApacheSynapse, #ApacheSyncope, #ApacheSystemDS,
#ApacheTajo, #ApacheTapestry, #ApacheTeaclave, #ApacheTez, #ApacheThrift,
#ApacheTika, #ApacheTiles, #ApacheTinkerPop, #ApacheTobago, #ApacheTomcat,
#ApacheTomEE, #ApacheToree, #ApacheTorque, #ApacheTrafficControl,
#ApacheTrafficServer, #ApacheTrafodion, #ApacheTraining, #ApacheTurbine,
#ApacheTuscany, #ApacheTVM, #ApacheUIMA, #ApacheUniffle, #ApacheUnomi,
#ApacheVCL, #ApacheVelocity, #ApacheVelocityDVSL, #ApacheVelocityTools,
#ApacheVSSAntLibrary, #ApacheVXQuery, #ApacheVysper, #ApacheWayang, #ApacheWebsh,
#ApacheWhimsy, #ApacheWhirr, #ApacheWhisker, #ApacheWicket, #ApacheWink,
#ApacheWoden, #ApacheWookie, #ApacheXalanforCXXSLTProcessor,
#ApacheXalanforJavaXSLTProcessor, #ApacheXercesforCXXMLParser,
#ApacheXercesforJavaXMLParser, #ApacheXercesforPerlXMLParser,
#ApacheXindice, #ApacheXMLCommonsExternal, #ApacheXMLCommonsResolver,
#ApacheXMLGraphicsCommons, #ApacheXMLBeans, #ApacheYetus, #ApacheYuniKorn,
#ApacheZeppelin, #ApacheZooKeeper
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