Monday, September 11, 2023

#Git #commands when working with a #Git #repository includes various stages, from setting up the #repository to making changes and collaborating with others. Here's a common #Git #workflow:


The typical flow of Git commands when working with a Git repository includes various stages, from setting up the repository to making changes and collaborating with others. Here's a common Git workflow:

1. **Initialize a Repository**:

   - `git init`: Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory.

2. **Clone an Existing Repository** (if not starting from scratch):

   - `git clone <repository_url>`: Clones an existing remote Git repository to your local machine.

3. **Configure Git** (if not already configured):

   - `git config --global "Your Name"`: Sets your name for Git commits.

   - `git config --global ""`: Sets your email for Git commits.

4. **Check the Status**:

   - `git status`: Shows the status of your working directory, including changes not yet committed.

5. **Stage Changes**:

   - `git add <file>`: Stages specific files for the next commit.

   - `git add .` or `git add --all`: Stages all changes in the current directory.

6. **Commit Changes**:

   - `git commit -m "Your commit message"`: Commits staged changes to the local repository.

7. **Branching**:

   - `git branch`: Lists all branches in the repository.

   - `git branch <branch_name>`: Creates a new branch.

   - `git checkout <branch_name>`: Switches to the specified branch.

   - `git checkout -b <branch_name>`: Creates and switches to a new branch in one command.

8. **Merging**:

   - `git merge <branch_name>`: Merges changes from one branch into the current branch.

9. **Fetching and Pulling Changes** (from a remote repository):

   - `git fetch`: Retrieves changes from a remote repository without merging.

   - `git pull`: Retrieves and merges changes from a remote repository.

10. **Pushing Changes** (to a remote repository):

    - `git push origin <branch_name>`: Pushes local changes to a remote repository.

11. **Viewing Commit History**:

    - `git log`: Shows a detailed commit history.

    - `git log --oneline`: Shows a simplified commit history.

12. **Discard Changes**:

    - `git reset <file>`: Unstages changes for a specific file.

    - `git reset`: Unstages all changes.

    - `git checkout -- <file>`: Discards changes in a specific file.

    - `git reset --hard`: Discards all changes in the working directory.

13. **Resolving Conflicts**:

    - During a merge or rebase, you may encounter conflicts. Resolve them manually, then:

    - `git add <file>`: Mark the resolved file as staged.

    - `git rebase --continue` or `git merge --continue`: Continue the merge or rebase process.

14. **Tagging**:

    - `git tag -a <tag_name> -m "Tag message"`: Create an annotated tag at the current commit.

15. **Removing and Deleting**:

    - `git rm <file>`: Removes a file from the repository and stages the removal.

    - `git mv <old_name> <new_name>`: Renames a file.

    - `git branch -d <branch_name>`: Deletes a branch locally.

    - `git push origin --delete <branch_name>`: Deletes a remote branch.

16. **Stashing Changes**:

    - `git stash save "Stash message"`: Temporarily saves changes that are not ready to be committed.

17. **Pull Requests and Code Review** (GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket):

    - Create a pull request to propose changes from one branch to another.

    - Review code changes and discuss them with collaborators.

    - Merge the pull request when ready.

18. **Managing Remotes**:

    - `git remote -v`: List remote repositories.

    - `git remote add <name> <url>`: Add a remote repository.

    - `git remote remove <name>`: Remove a remote repository.

    - `git remote set-url <name> <new_url>`: Change the URL of a remote repository.

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