Saturday, September 30, 2023

Some lesser-known #Linux #command #tips and #tricks that can be useful for both beginners and experienced users

1. Ctrl+R for Reverse Searching in Bash:

   Press `Ctrl+R` in the terminal to initiate a reverse search.

   Start typing a command, and Bash will search your command history for matches, allowing you to quickly reuse previous commands.

2. Using '!' for Repeating Commands:

   You can repeat the last command by typing `!!`.

   For example, `sudo !!` would run the previous command with sudo privileges.

3. Quick Directory Navigation with 'cd -':

   Typing `cd -` in the terminal takes you back to the previous directory you were in.

4. 'watch' for Repeatedly Executing Commands:

   The `watch` command lets you run a command repeatedly and see the updated output.

   For example, `watch -n 1 'date'` will display the current date and time every second.

5. Using 'dd' for Disk Operations:

   The `dd` command is versatile for disk operations, like creating disk images, copying partitions, or erasing data securely.

   Be cautious when using `dd` to avoid data loss.

6. Copying Output to Clipboard:

   You can copy the output of a command to the clipboard using tools like `xclip` or `pbcopy`.

   For example, `ls | xclip -selection clipboard` will copy the list of files to the clipboard.

7. Terminal Multiplexers (tmux and screen):

   Terminal multiplexers like `tmux` and `screen` allow you to split your terminal into multiple panes and sessions.

   They are handy for managing multiple tasks in a single terminal window.

8. 'at' for One-Time Scheduled Tasks:

   The `at` command allows you to schedule a one-time task to run at a specific time.

   Example: `echo "ls -l" | at 10:30 PM`.

9. Using 'nc' for Network Troubleshooting:

   The `nc` (netcat) command is a versatile tool for testing network connections, port scanning, and even transferring files.

   It can help diagnose network-related issues.

10. 'df' with '-h' for Human-Readable Disk Space:

    Running `df -h` provides a human-readable view of disk space usage, making it easier to understand.

11. 'du' for Disk Usage of Directories:

    The `du` command shows the disk usage of directories.

    For a sorted list, use `du -h | sort -n`.

12. 'cal' for a Calendar in the Terminal:

    The `cal` command displays a calendar in the terminal for the current month.

13. 'file' for File Type Detection:

    The `file` command can determine the type of a file, whether it's a text file, image, or executable.

14. 'man -k' for Keyword Search in Man Pages:

    Use `man -k keyword` to search for man pages related to a specific keyword.

15. Using 'basename' for File Path Manipulation:

    `basename` extracts the filename from a given path.

    Example: `basename /path/to/file.txt` returns `file.txt`.

16. 'find' with '-exec' for Complex File Operations:

    The `find` command can locate files and perform complex operations on them using `-exec`.

    Example: `find /path/to/files -name "*.txt" -exec cp {} /destination \;` copies all .txt files to a destination.

  1. #LinuxCommands
  2. #BashTips
  3. #CommandLine
  4. #LinuxTips
  5. #TerminalTricks
  6. #SysAdmin
  7. #FileManipulation
  8. #TextProcessing
  9. #DataManagement
  10. #FileArchiving
  11. #BackupAndSync
  12. #TextSearch
  13. #NetworkUtilities
  14. #DataMigration
  15. #Automation
  16. #CronJobs
  17. #ProcessMonitoring
  18. #NetworkSecurity
  19. #FileTransfer
  20. #TaskScheduling

List of #opensource #videoediting tools

  • 1. Kdenlive:

       --> Website: [Kdenlive](

    2. Shotcut:

       --> Website: [Shotcut](

    3. OpenShot:

       --> Website: [OpenShot](

    4. Blender:

       --> Website: [Blender](

    5. LiVES:

       --> Website: [LiVES](http://lives-->

    6. Avidemux:

       --> Website: [Avidemux](

    7. Cinelerra:

       --> Website: [Cinelerra](https://www.cinelerra-->

    8. Flowblade:

       --> Website: [Flowblade](

    9. Olive Video Editor:

       --> Website: [Olive Video Editor](

    10. Lightworks:

        --> Website: [Lightworks](

Troubleshooting process-related issues in Linux often involves various commands and checks. Here are some important Linux commands for process troubleshooting

1. **List Running Processes:** Use `ps aux` or `top` to list currently running processes.

2. **Check Process Details:** Use `ps -p <PID>` to view detailed information about a specific process.

3. **Kill a Process:** Use `kill` or `killall` to terminate processes, e.g., `kill <PID>`.

4. **Find Process by Name:** Use `pgrep` to find processes by name, e.g., `pgrep <process_name>`.

5. **View Process Tree:** Use `pstree` to display the process tree.

6. **Check Process Limits:** Use `ulimit -a` to view process-level resource limits.

7. **Check Process CPU Usage:** Use `htop` or `top` to monitor CPU usage by processes.

8. **Check Process Memory Usage:** Use `htop` or `top` to monitor memory usage by processes.

9. **Check Process Disk I/O:** Use `iotop` to monitor disk I/O by processes.

10. **Check Process Network Activity:** Use `iftop` or `nethogs` to monitor network activity by processes.

11. **Check Process Priority:** Use `nice` and `renice` to set or adjust process priority.

12. **Check Open Files by Process:** Use `lsof` to list open files and sockets by process.

13. **Check Process Environment:** Use `cat /proc/<PID>/environ` to view the environment variables of a process.

14. **Check Process Threads:** Use `ps -p <PID> -L` to list threads of a process.

15. **Check Process Dependencies:** Use `ldd` to list shared library dependencies of a binary.

16. **Monitor Process Resource Usage:** Use `sar` or `pidstat` to monitor various resource usage by processes.

17. **Check Process Start Time:** Use `ps -p <PID> -o lstart` to check the start time of a process.

18. **Check Zombie Processes:** Use `ps aux | grep 'Z'` to identify and handle zombie processes.

19. **Check Process Traces:** Use `strace` or `ltrace` to trace system or library calls made by a process.

20. **Process Management with systemd:** Use `systemctl` to start, stop, enable, or disable services and processes managed by systemd.

#ProcessIssues, #ProcessTroubleshooting, #ProcessManagement, #ProcessMonitoring, #ResourceUsage, #ProcessTree, #KillProcess, #CPUUsage, #MemoryUsage, #DiskIO, #NetworkActivity, #ProcessPriority, #OpenFiles, #EnvironmentVariables, #ProcessThreads, #DependencyAnalysis, #ResourceMonitoring, #ZombieProcesses, #ProcessTracing, #SystemdServices

Friday, September 29, 2023

Some Unique #command #tips and #tricks from #Linux

  •  Use the fold command to wrap long lines of text. This can be useful for making text easier to read in a terminal window. For example, to wrap lines that are longer than 80 characters, you would use the following command:

fold -w 80 myfile.txt
  • Use the tee command to split the output of a command into two or more streams. This can be useful for logging the output of a command to a file while also displaying it in the terminal window. For example, to log the output of the ls command to a file called mylog.txt, you would use the following command:
ls | tee mylog.txt
  • Use the xargs command to execute a command on a list of files or directories. This can be useful for automating tasks such as converting files or moving them to a different location. For example, to convert all of the PDF files in a directory to JPG files, you would use the following command:
find . -name "*.pdf" | xargs -I {} convert {} {}.jpg
  • Use the find command to search for files and directories based on various criteria. This can be useful for finding specific files or directories, or for finding all of the files and directories that match a certain pattern. For example, to find all of the files in a directory that have been modified in the past 24 hours, you would use the following command:
find . -mtime -1
  • Use the awk command to process text files. This can be useful for extracting specific data from text files, or for performing other types of text processing tasks. For example, to print the first column of a text file, you would use the following command:
awk '{print $1}' myfile.txt

Some of the best #Microsoft #Office #alternatives

Some of the best Microsoft Office alternatives

1. LibreOffice

    Website: [LibreOffice](

   #LibreOffice #OpenSource #OfficeSuite

2. Apache OpenOffice

    Website: [Apache OpenOffice](

   #OpenOffice #OfficeSuite #OpenSource

3. Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)

    Website: [Google Workspace](

   #GoogleWorkspace #Productivity #CloudOffice

4. OnlyOffice

    Website: [OnlyOffice](

   #OnlyOffice #OnlineOffice #Collaboration

5. WPS Office

    Website: [WPS Office](

   #WPSOffice #OfficeSuite #FreeOffice

6. Zoho Office Suite

    Website: [Zoho Office Suite](

   #Zoho #OfficeSuite #CloudOffice

7. FreeOffice by SoftMaker

    Website: [FreeOffice](

   #FreeOffice #OfficeSuite #Productivity

8. Calligra Suite

    Website: [Calligra Suite](

   #CalligraSuite #OpenSource #OfficeSuite


    Website: [ONLYOFFICE](

   #ONLYOFFICE #OfficeSuite #Collaboration

10. CryptPad

     Website: [CryptPad](

    #CryptPad #Privacy #OnlineOffice

11. SoftOffice Free

     Website: [SoftOffice Free](

    #SoftOffice #FreeOffice #OfficeSuite

12. Collabora Online

     Website: [Collabora Online](

    #CollaboraOnline #Collaboration #OfficeSuite

13. Etherpad

     Website: [Etherpad](

    #Etherpad #Collaboration #OnlineEditing

14. SSuite Office

     Website: [SSuite Office](

    #SSuiteOffice #FreeSoftware #OfficeSuite

15. OfficeSuite by MobiSystems

     Website: [OfficeSuite](

    #OfficeSuite #MobileOffice #Productivity

These alternatives provide a range of features and compatibility with Microsoft Office formats, making them suitable for various needs and preferences. 

  1. #OfficeSuite
  2. #MicrosoftOffice
  3. #ProductivityTools
  4. #OfficeSoftware
  5. #AlternativeToMSOffice
  6. #LibreOffice
  7. #OpenSource
  8. #GoogleWorkspace
  9. #OnlyOffice
  10. #WPSOffice
  11. #ZohoOffice
  12. #FreeOffice
  13. #CloudOffice
  14. #CollaborationTools
  15. #OnlineOffice
  16. #OfficeApplications
  17. #DocumentEditing
  18. #OfficeSuiteComparison
  19. #MicrosoftAlternatives
  20. #WorkFromHome

Best #free/#opensource #whiteboard #softwares available #online/#offline


  1. Miro

  2. Excalidraw


  4. Whiteboard Fox

  5. Canva Whiteboards

  6. Stormboard

  7. Conceptboard

  8. Limnu

  9. Lucidspark

  10. InVision Freehand


  1. OpenBoard

  2. Whiteboardy

  3. LibreOffice Impress

  4. Apache OpenOffice Impress

  5. Google Slides

  6. Microsoft PowerPoint


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