1. Ctrl+R for Reverse Searching in Bash:
Press `Ctrl+R` in the terminal to initiate a reverse search.
Start typing a command, and Bash will search your command history for matches, allowing you to quickly reuse previous commands.
2. Using '!' for Repeating Commands:
You can repeat the last command by typing `!!`.
For example, `sudo !!` would run the previous command with sudo privileges.
3. Quick Directory Navigation with 'cd -':
Typing `cd -` in the terminal takes you back to the previous directory you were in.
4. 'watch' for Repeatedly Executing Commands:
The `watch` command lets you run a command repeatedly and see the updated output.
For example, `watch -n 1 'date'` will display the current date and time every second.
5. Using 'dd' for Disk Operations:
The `dd` command is versatile for disk operations, like creating disk images, copying partitions, or erasing data securely.
Be cautious when using `dd` to avoid data loss.
6. Copying Output to Clipboard:
You can copy the output of a command to the clipboard using tools like `xclip` or `pbcopy`.
For example, `ls | xclip -selection clipboard` will copy the list of files to the clipboard.
7. Terminal Multiplexers (tmux and screen):
Terminal multiplexers like `tmux` and `screen` allow you to split your terminal into multiple panes and sessions.
They are handy for managing multiple tasks in a single terminal window.
8. 'at' for One-Time Scheduled Tasks:
The `at` command allows you to schedule a one-time task to run at a specific time.
Example: `echo "ls -l" | at 10:30 PM`.
9. Using 'nc' for Network Troubleshooting:
The `nc` (netcat) command is a versatile tool for testing network connections, port scanning, and even transferring files.
It can help diagnose network-related issues.
10. 'df' with '-h' for Human-Readable Disk Space:
Running `df -h` provides a human-readable view of disk space usage, making it easier to understand.
11. 'du' for Disk Usage of Directories:
The `du` command shows the disk usage of directories.
For a sorted list, use `du -h | sort -n`.
12. 'cal' for a Calendar in the Terminal:
The `cal` command displays a calendar in the terminal for the current month.
13. 'file' for File Type Detection:
The `file` command can determine the type of a file, whether it's a text file, image, or executable.
14. 'man -k' for Keyword Search in Man Pages:
Use `man -k keyword` to search for man pages related to a specific keyword.
15. Using 'basename' for File Path Manipulation:
`basename` extracts the filename from a given path.
Example: `basename /path/to/file.txt` returns `file.txt`.
16. 'find' with '-exec' for Complex File Operations:
The `find` command can locate files and perform complex operations on them using `-exec`.
Example: `find /path/to/files -name "*.txt" -exec cp {} /destination \;` copies all .txt files to a destination.
- #LinuxCommands
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- #TerminalTricks
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