Thursday, March 2, 2023

how to add #proxy user in #oozie or #hue

 To add a proxy user in Oozie or Hue, you will need to update the configuration files for these tools.

Here are the steps to add a proxy user in Oozie:

1.       Open the core-site.xml file, which is located in the Hadoop configuration directory. This directory is typically located at /etc/hadoop/conf/.

2.       Add the following configuration property to the file, replacing proxyuser with the username of the user you want to act as a proxy:






3.       Add the following configuration property to the file, replacing proxyuser with the username of the user you want to act as a proxy, and user with the username of the user you want to allow to use the proxy:







4.       Save and close the configuration file.

5.       Restart the Oozie server to apply the changes.


Here are the steps to add a proxy user in Hue:


1.       Open the hue.ini configuration file, located in the Hue configuration directory. This directory is typically located at /etc/hue/conf/.

2.       Find the [desktop] section in the configuration file, and add the following setting:





3.       Save and close the configuration file.

4.       Restart the Hue server to apply the changes.


Note that adding a proxy user allows a specific user to act on behalf of another user. This can be a security risk, so it is important to carefully consider which users are allowed to act as proxies and which users are allowed to use proxies.

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