1. Download the zookeeper from
a. http://zookeeper.apache.org/releases.html#download or http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/zookeeper/
2. The downloaded file will be Tar file so extract in your desired directory.
3. Create Directory for Zookeeper snapshot logs
a. mkdir -p datafiles <you can create this folder the path which you like>
b. mkdir -p datalogfile <you can create this folder the path which you like>
4. Create a file “java.env” in Zookeeper_Home/conf directory
a. Vim Zookeeper_home/conf/java.env
b. Then write JAVA_HOME=<java path here> in java.env
c. Then export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
5. Then you will find “zoo_sample.cfg” file in zookeeper/conf folder copy it and make another file with name zoo.cfg
6. Then edit this zoo.cfg file put 2 entries in this
a. dataDir = <put the path which we have created in step 3(a)>
b. dataLogDir = <put the path which we have created in step 3(b)>
7. Copy all folder structure of Zookeepe_Home to all the client Machines.
8. Then start the zookeeper at master node using bin/zkServer.sh start
9. Connecting to running zookeeper we can use : bin/zkCli.sh –server masermachine:2281
10. To Stop the zookeeper at master node using bin/zkServer.sh stop
@@@ Zookeeper_home à the director in which zookeeper lies.
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