Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Setting up Standalone zookeeper cluster for production cluster

1.      Download the zookeeper from

a. or

2.      The downloaded file will be Tar file so extract in your desired directory.

3.      Create Directory for Zookeeper snapshot logs

a.      mkdir -p datafiles <you can create this folder the path which you like>

b.      mkdir -p datalogfile  <you can create this folder the path which you like>

4.      Create a file “java.env” in Zookeeper_Home/conf directory

a.      Vim Zookeeper_home/conf/java.env

b.      Then write JAVA_HOME=<java path  here> in java.env

c.       Then export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

5.      Then you will find “zoo_sample.cfg” file in zookeeper/conf folder copy it and make another file with name zoo.cfg

6.      Then edit this zoo.cfg file put 2 entries in this

a.      dataDir = <put the path which we have created in step 3(a)>

b.      dataLogDir = <put the path which we have created in step 3(b)>

7.      Copy all folder structure of Zookeepe_Home to all the client Machines.

8.      Then start the zookeeper at master node using bin/ start

9.      Connecting to running zookeeper we can use : bin/ –server masermachine:2281

10.  To Stop the zookeeper at master node using bin/ stop

@@@ Zookeeper_home  à the director in which zookeeper lies.

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