To develop metro style application we can use languages like c#, javascript, html, c++ too...
WinRT contains it's own .NET runtime which is actually a subset of the full .NET framework and XAML runs natively.
Windows runtime provides a modern API for media, communication, device access, data and fundamental application tasks and is fully object oriented approach.
WinRT is native as com objects but we never have to worry about the complexcities as the use has been made very easy to impliment, as we use just API to call internal functionalities and dont have to worry about the internal structure or implimentation, and we just need to know the function we need to perform and we will have the api to do it. :)
Using it through different languages
JavaScript :
var filePointer= new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker; filePointer.fileTypeFilter.append(".jpg"); filePointer.pickSingleFileAsync().then();
var filePointer= new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker(); filePointer.fileTypeFilter.append(".jpg"); var result = await fp.PickSingeFileAsync();
auto filePointer= Windows::Storage::Pickers::FileOpenPicker(); filePointer-> FileTypeFilter->Append(".jpg"); auto result = filePointer->PickSingeFileAsync();
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