The Hilo Browser and Annotator support Windows 7 Jump Lists and taskbar tabs. Jump Lists provide the user with easy access to recent files and provide a mechanism to launch key tasks. Taskbar tabs provide a preview image and access to additional actions within the Windows taskbar. In this Chapter we will see how the Hilo Browser and Annotator applications implement support for Windows 7 Jump Lists and taskbar tabs.
Implementing Jump List Items
The Jump List for an application is displayed when you right-click on the taskbar tab for the application. On a touch screen you can show the Jump List in three ways: touch the tab with one finger and then touch the required screen with another finger, use the pan gesture dragging the tab away from the taskbar, or touch the tab until a circle appears and then let go.
The Jump List contains two types of items, destinations and tasks. For example, Figure 1 shows the Jump List for Internet Explorer, there are two categories: Frequent and Tasks. The Frequent list items are web pages that are frequently displayed and since these refer to content they are described as destinations. Other applications will have files, folders, or some other content-based items as destinations and typically these are items that can be represented by an IShellItem object (or sometimes an IShellLink object). The screenshot shows five items in the Frequent list and you can set a limit to how many items are shown through the Customize Start Menu dialog accessed through the Start menu properties.
The Tasks list items are things that you can do with Internet Explorer: start private browsing and open a new tab. Since tasks need to have information about a process that will perform the task and parameters indicating the task action, tasks are IShellLink objects.
Figure 1 Jump List for Internet Explorer
The Windows 7 Shell API allows you to alter the Jump List in several ways. The simplest action is to add a destination to the Recent file list because in many cases Windows 7 will do this without any code, although you can specifically add a destination to this list. The Shell API provides access through the ICustomDestinationList interface to allow you to customize the Jump List to add custom categories and tasks.
Recent File Lists
Recent file lists have been a feature of Windows since Windows XP and are provided through the SHAddToRecentDocs Windows 7 Application Programming Interface (API) function. This function adds a document to the My Recent Documents (Windows XP) or Recent Items (Windows Vista and later) menu on the Start menu. Figure 2 shows an example of the Recent Items menu where there is Word document, a Visual Studio solution, and two image files. The entries in the Recent Items menu are paths to data files and the shell uses file association registry information to determine which application opens the file.
Figure 2 Showing the Windows 7 Recent Items menu
Windows 7 extends the concept of the Recent Items list to individual applications so that the SHAddToRecentDocs function not only adds a file to the system’s Recent Itemsmenu but also adds the file to the application’s Recent Jump List. Figure 3 shows the Jump List for Annotator, the lower three items are tasks added to every Jump List and allow you to start a new instance of the application, pin the application item to the taskbar, and to close down an instance. The top items are the Recent file list and are recent files opened with Annotator. Items are added to the Recent list if your application opens a file with one of the Shell file APIs (the GetOpenFileName function or the IFileOpenDialoginterface) or if your application explicitly calls the SHAddToRecentDocs function.
Figure 3 Showing the Jump List for Annotator
Figure 3 shows that two image files have been opened recently with Annotator and Figure 2 shows that these files are also displayed on the system-wide Windows 7 Recent Itemsmenu. Since the SHAddToRecentDocs function adds files to the Recent Items list this raises the question of how Windows 7 knows that these files were opened by Annotator and not some other image editor. The answer lies in application user model IDs (or AppID for short).
AppIDs are strings that identify an application and allow the Windows 7 shell to stack the tabs on the taskbar for multiple instances of the same application. Windows 7 can allocate an AppID for an application, but you can specify the string yourself which gives you greater flexibility. The API function to do this is SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelIDand holds the current record for being the Windows 7 API function with the longest name. This function takes a single parameter which is the AppID as a Unicode string. AppIDs can be any unique string but the recommendation is to use the same format as ProgID strings, although clearly you should use a different value to your application’s ProgID. Listing 1 shows the declaration of constant strings at the top of the AnnotatorApplication.cpp file which defines the ProgID and AppID strings.
Listing 1 Declaration of the ProgID and AppID for Annotator
const std::wstring ProgID = L"Microsoft.Hilo.AnnotatorProgID"; const std::wstring FriendlyName = L"Microsoft Hilo Annotator"; const std::wstring AppUserModelID = L"Microsoft.Hilo.Annotator"; const std::wstring FileTypeExtensions[] = { L".bmp", L".dib", L".jpg", L".jpeg", L".jpe", L".jfif", L".gif", L".tif", L".tiff", L".png" };
Listing 2 Registration for Jump Lists
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.bmp\OpenWithProgids] "Microsoft.Hilo.AnnotatorProgID"="": [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Microsoft.Hilo.AnnotatorProgID] "FriendlyTypeName"="Microsoft Hilo Annotator" "AppUserModelID"="Microsoft.Hilo.Annotator" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Microsoft.Hilo.AnnotatorProgID\CurVer] @="Microsoft.Hilo.AnnotatorProgID" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Microsoft.Hilo.AnnotatorProgID\Shell\Open\Command] @="C:\\Hilo\\annotator.exe %1"
There are three ways to load a file in Annotator:
- Through the command line. When you click on the Annotator button in the Hilo Browser it starts the Annotator with the full path to the currently selected photo.
- Through selecting another file in the Annotator image editor. When you start Annotator without a filename, the application shows all the photos in the Pictures library and you can scroll through the list of pictures for the photo you want to edit.
- Through the Open menu item on the main menu of Annotator. When you click the Open menu item it shows the standard File Open dialog through which you can browse for one or more files to edit.
Jump List Tasks
The Recent file list is just one way that you can add items to a Jump List. The Windows 7 shell allows you to customize Jump Lists further, and Browser illustrates this by adding a custom task. The key to customizing the Jump List is the ICustomDestinationList interface. Changes to a Jump List are done in a transactional way: you start by calling theICustomDestinationList::BeginList method, make the changes, and then call the ICustomDestinationList::CommitList method to make the changes permanent. If the application has an explicit AppID then you must call the ICustomDestinationList::SetAppID method before calling the BeginList method.
Browser does this work in the JumpList class which is called at the end of the BrowserApplication::Initialize method when the application is first created. Listing 3 shows the code to add a custom task with the JumpList class. Browser assumes that Annotator is in the same folder and so the first action is to get the path for this folder and use it to create a full path to Annotator. Next an instance of the JumpList class is created and initialized with the AppID of the application. Finally, the JumpList::AddUserTask method is called to create a task that will launch the Annotator application with no command line parameters.
Listing 3 Creating a task in the Browser Jump List
wchar_t currentFileName[FILENAME_MAX]; if (!GetModuleFileName(nullptr, currentFileName, FILENAME_MAX)) { return S_OK; } // Annotator should be found in the same directory as this binary std::wstring currentDirectory = currentFileName; std::wstring externalFileName = currentDirectory.substr(0, currentDirectory.find_last_of(L"\\") + 1); externalFileName += L"annotator.exe"; JumpList jumpList(AppUserModeId); hr = jumpList.AddUserTask(externalFileName.c_str(), L"Launch Annotator", nullptr);
Listing 4 Creating a new category for Browser
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DestinationList, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_destinationList)); hr = m_destinationList->SetAppID(m_appId.c_str()); UINT cMinSlots; hr = m_destinationList->BeginList(&cMinSlots, IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_objectArray)); hr = CreateUserTask(applicationPath, title, commandLine); hr = m_destinationList->CommitList();
Listing 5 Creating a new category on Browser's Jump List
ComPtr<IObjectCollection> shellObjectCollection; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_PPV_ARGS(&shellObjectCollection)); // Create shell link first ComPtr<IShellLink> shellLink; hr = CreateShellLink(applicationPath, title, commandLine, &shellLink); hr = shellObjectCollection->AddObject(shellLink); // Add the specified user task to the Task category of a Jump List ComPtr<IObjectArray> userTask; hr = shellObjectCollection->QueryInterface(&userTask); hr = m_destinationList->AddUserTasks(userTask);
Listing 6 Creating a shell link object
ComPtr<IShellLink> shellLink; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&shellLink)); // Set the path and file name of the shell link object hr = shellLink->SetPath(applicationPath); // Set the command-line arguments for the shell link object hr = shellLink->SetArguments(commandLine); // Set the name of the shell link object ComPtr<IPropertyStore> propertyStore; hr = shellLink->QueryInterface(&propertyStore); PROPVARIANT propertyValue; hr = InitPropVariantFromString(title, &propertyValue); hr = propertyStore->SetValue(PKEY_Title, propertyValue); hr = propertyStore->Commit(); hr = shellLink->QueryInterface(shellLinkAddress); PropVariantClear(&propertyValue);
Implementing the Annotator Taskbar Tab
Windows 7 provide thumbnails for running applications through their taskbar tabs. When you hover the mouse over a tab, or with a touch screen you touch the tab and hold your finger on the tab for until the thumbnail appears. By default this thumbnail will be a preview of the entire window as shown in Figure 4 for Browser.
Figure 4 Showing the taskbar thumbnail for Browser
The thumbnail is a portion of the main window of the application and by default the entire window is shown. but your code can provide a specific part of the window. In addition, you can add controls to the thumbnail window so that you can have basic access to the application even when the application is minimized.
Annotator provides code to change the section of the window that is shown in the thumbnail and to add controls to allow you to scroll the images in the image editor. To see this, start Annotator on its own, either through the Start menu (type Annotator.exe in the Start menu search box and click the link returned) or through the Launch Annotator task on the Browser Jump List. In both cases Annotator will be started with more than one image in the image editor pane. At this point hover the mouse cursor over the taskbar tab for Annotator and you will see that the thumbnail for Annotator only has the image currently being edited, as shown in Figure 5. The thumbnail does not show the ribbon, and in addition, there are two buttons at the bottom of the thumbnail called Backward Button and Forward Button. When you click on either of these buttons the image in Annotator will change as if you pressed the keyboard left or right arrow keys.
Figure 5 Showing the Taskbar thumbnail for Annotator
When you change the size of the image in the Annotator by using the zoom buttons, the image shown in the thumbnail is zoomed appropriately.
The code that does most of the work is in a class called Taskbar. This class wraps access to the task bar list object that implements the ITaskbarList3 interface. The thumbnail shows the contents of a window and allows you to add child controls to the thumbnail. These controls will send command messages to a window and therefore many of theITaskbarList3 interface methods need a HWND parameter. The Taskbar class constructor takes a HWND parameter which is stored as a member variable and this handle is passed to the object methods that need a window handle. The other important member variable is the interface pointer to the task bar list object and this is initialized by theInitialize method, which is called by all the public methods. The Taskbar::Initialize method is shown in Listing 7, this simply creates the task bar list object and initializes it.
Listing 7 Creating the task bar list object
HRESULT Taskbar::Initialize() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!m_taskbarList) { hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_TaskbarList, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_taskbarList)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_taskbarList->HrInit(); } } return hr; }
Thumbnail Image
Providing the thumbnail image is relatively straightforward: all you need to do is give the taskbar list object a rectangle that contains coordinates for the window’s client area. Once you have done this, the taskbar will obtain the appropriate part of the window when necessary and draw it in the thumbnail. You do not have to do any additional drawing.
In Annotator a request to redraw the application window is routed through to the ImageEditorHandler::OnRender method which calls theImageEditorHandler::UpdateTaskbarThumbnail method. The majority of this method calculates the clipping rectangle for the current photo (in Listing 8 this rectangle is the rectvariable). The code that sets the current clipping rectangle of the window to show in the thumbnail is shown in Listing 8. The Taskbar::SetThumbnailClip method simply calls theITaskbarList3::SetThumbnailClip method passing the windows handle passed to the Taskbar class constructor (hWndParent the handle of the main window) and the clipping rectangle.
Listing 8 Providing the thumbnail clip rectangle
static Taskbar taskbar(hWndParent); // Zoom the image to the thumbnail hr = taskbar.SetThumbnailClip(&rect);
Thumbnail Buttons
There are several steps needed to add a button to a thumbnail. First you need to indicate to the taskbar the images that will be used for the buttons, then you need to add the buttons and provide information like tooltip captions and an ID, and finally you have to provide code to handle the command messages generated when a button is clicked. In Annotator the Taskbar class does the work of adding buttons and their images to the taskbar and this code is called in the AnnotatorApplication::Initialize method, the code is shown in Listing 9. The Taskbar object is initialized with the handle of the main window of the Annotator application. This is used to indicate to the taskbar that the buttons will be shown for thumbnails for this particular window. The ThumbnailToolbarButton structure shown in this code is used to hold the identifier for the button and an indication as to whether the button is enabled (at this point, by default, both buttons are enabled). When you click on the button a WM_COMMAND message is sent to the handler window and the identifier of the button will be provided as part of the wParam of this message.
Listing 9 Adding buttons to the thumbnail image
HWND hwnd; mainWindow->GetWindowHandle(&hwnd); Taskbar taskbar(hwnd); ThumbnailToobarButton backButton = {APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_BACKWARD, true}; ThumbnailToobarButton nextButton = {APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_FORWARD, true}; hr = taskbar.CreateThumbnailToolbarButtons(backButton, nextButton);
Listing 10 Setting the thumbnail image
// Get the recommended width of a small icon in pixels int const smallIconWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON); // Load the bitmap based on the system's small icon width HIMAGELIST imageList; if (smallIconWidth <= 16) { imageList = ImageList_LoadImage( HINST_THISCOMPONENT, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP_TOOLBAR_16), 16, 0, RGB(255, 0, 255), IMAGE_BITMAP, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION); } else { imageList = ImageList_LoadImage( INST_THISCOMPONENT, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP_TOOLBAR_24), 24, 0, RGB(255, 0, 255), IMAGE_BITMAP, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION); } // Add the tool bar buttons to the taskbar if (imageList) { hr = m_taskbarList->ThumbBarSetImageList(m_hWnd, imageList); } ImageList_Destroy(imageList);
Listing 11 Creating thumbnail buttons
// Set the icon/images for thumbnail toolbar buttons hr = SetThumbnailToolbarImage(); THUMBBUTTON buttons[2] = {}; // First button buttons[0].dwMask = THB_BITMAP | THB_TOOLTIP | THB_FLAGS; buttons[0].dwFlags = THBF_ENABLED | THBF_DISMISSONCLICK;; buttons[0].iId = backButton.buttonId; buttons[0].iBitmap = 0; StringCchCopyW(buttons[0].szTip, ARRAYSIZE(buttons[0].szTip), L"Backward Button"); // Second button buttons[1].dwMask = THB_BITMAP | THB_TOOLTIP | THB_FLAGS; buttons[1].dwFlags = THBF_ENABLED | THBF_DISMISSONCLICK; buttons[1].iId = nextButton.buttonId; buttons[1].iBitmap = 1; StringCchCopyW(buttons[1].szTip, ARRAYSIZE(buttons[1].szTip), L"Forward Button"); // Set the buttons to be the thumbnail toolbar hr = m_taskbarList->ThumbBarAddButtons(m_hWnd, ARRAYSIZE(buttons), buttons);
Listing 12 Enabling thumbnail buttons
HRESULT Taskbar::EnableThumbnailToolbarButtons(ThumbnailToobarButton backButton, ThumbnailToobarButton nextButton) { HRESULT hr = Initialize(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { THUMBBUTTON buttons[2] = {}; // First button buttons[0].dwMask = THB_BITMAP | THB_TOOLTIP | THB_FLAGS; if (backButton.enabled) { buttons[0].dwFlags = THBF_ENABLED | THBF_DISMISSONCLICK; } else { buttons[0].dwFlags = THBF_DISABLED; } buttons[0].iId = backButton.buttonId; buttons[0].iBitmap = 0; StringCchCopyW(buttons[0].szTip, ARRAYSIZE(buttons[0].szTip), L"Backward Button"); // Second button buttons[1].dwMask = THB_BITMAP | THB_TOOLTIP | THB_FLAGS; if (nextButton.enabled) { buttons[1].dwFlags = THBF_ENABLED | THBF_DISMISSONCLICK; } else { buttons[1].dwFlags = THBF_DISABLED; } buttons[1].iId = nextButton.buttonId; buttons[1].iBitmap = 1; StringCchCopyW(buttons[1].szTip, ARRAYSIZE(buttons[1].szTip), L"Forward Button"); // Update the buttons of the thumbnail toolbar hr = m_taskbarList->ThumbBarUpdateButtons(m_hWnd, ARRAYSIZE(buttons), buttons); } return hr; }
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