Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Installing and configuring hMailServer for SharePoint.

That is most of the heavy stuff out of the way. From here on in it is all installing and configuring hMail, which is all done via a GUI interface meaning I can use screen shots to do the talking and is hopefully easier to follow. Click any of the images to get a pop-up window displaying a full sized image.
After downloading the latest stable hMail server installer package from the hmailserver website, double click on it to initiate the install process as shown below:

Select the installation path for hMail as shown below:

Select a full or custom install of hmail (full recommended) as shown below:

Select whether to use the MySQL server built into the hMail distribution, or use an external database. If this is a dedicated email server then it is recommended to use the built in database server. However, if you already have MySQL installed (or are planning to) or would like to use Microsoft SQL server then select the external database server option.

Set the start menu program group for hMail as shown below:

Confirm your settings as shown below:

Click install and hMailServer will be installed as shown below:

Once installation is complete, make sure the "Run hMailServer administrator" option is checked as shown below:

Configuring hMailServer
With the installation of hMailServer successfully completed, the next step is configuration. The configuration steps below show you how to add a domain, add an account, create an alias, setting the server host name, configure RFC settings and configure SMTP relay options to prevent open relay. Start by clicking the Add domain button as shown below in

Enter the domain name as shown below, and then set the catch-all address. If a mail is sent to an address on your domain that does not have a POP account or alias, then it is redirected to the catch-all address. In this example we have set the catch-all address to From here you can also set the global maximum mailbox size as well as the maximum message size for your domain. Once the domain is created you are also able to access several other tabs to set global settings, but they are not covered in this guide.

With the domain setup, it is now time to create accounts. To be RFC compliant all domains should accept email to a postmaster account, and as we have set postmaster to be the catch-all we will now set up an account for it. Place the name of the account in the Account address field, and then enter a password as shown below. You can also set individual mailbox and message size, as well as many other options not covered in this guide such as Active Directory integration, auto-reply, forwarding, and signature and fetching of email from external accounts.

Sometimes it is not practical or desirable to setup an account for every email address you want, and in this case it can be handy to uses an email alias that points to an existing account. In this example we will create an alias of that points to the Simply enter the alias you’d like to use (in this case abuse) in the Redirect from field and enter the account and domain (in this case postmaster and respectively) in “to” fields. Like the postmaster address, domains are also required to accept email to the abuse email address to be RFC compliant.

Now that we have a domain, account and alias setup let’s look at selecting what email services we want to use. Using the navigation window in the left, select and expand the Settings item and then select the Protocols option. Make sure you have at least the SMTP and POP3 servers ticked, as otherwise you will not be able to send or receive mail. You may not wish to use the IMAP server, but you will need it if you wish to provide webmail functionality to your users.

Next step is to set the server host name. In the navigation window on the left, expand the Protocols item and select SMTP. This can be very important as some email servers will not accept email or mark it as spam if the host name does not match the hostname specified in the MX record we set earlier. In the Host Name field enter the full host name you specified in your MX records. In this example we’ll use Note: If you are looking to host your own email server over your home broadband connection, then you will want to enter the name of your ISP’s SMTP server in the Relayer field. If your ISP requires authentication, then you’ll also need to provide those details in the fields below.

With the host name set we will now set some extra RFC compliance settings. From the page you are on; simply click on the RFC Compliance tab at the top. It is important that your email server be RFC compliant as otherwise it is likely that many domains will mark your email as spam, and that is if they accept it at all. One of the RFC requirements for email servers is that they accept a null sender address. You can enable this ticking the Allow empty sender address option. It is also a good idea to enable the Allow incorrectly formatted line endings option as several popular email server packages out their vary slightly in the way they terminate email messages, and without this option set you email server may not be able to receive emails from them

The final step in the basic configuration of your email server is to ensure it is not an open relay. An open relay is when a server enables mails to be sent through it to other domains on behalf of domains that do not exist on the local server. Being an open relay is a very quick way in which to get yourself blacklisted, and it can be near impossible to get off these blacklists once you’re on it. Luckily hMailServer makes in very easy to prevent this, and in fact by default you should not have to change a thing. In the navigation window to the left, select the select and expand the advanced menu item from under the Settings tree. From here select the IP Ranges option and then select the Internet option. All you have to do here is ensure that the Local to local, Local to external, and External to local options are ticked from under the Allow deliveries from section. Finally also ensure that to remote accounts option is ticked from under the require authentication for deliveries section. All these options are shown below:

Configure hMailServer for SharePoint to get mail into drop folder.
There is this great free hMailServer called hMailServer which can be found at:”.
It is very stable and works definitely like a charm. There is some awesome documentation and thus a breeze to configure.
SharePoint cannot connect to a mail server that requires authentication. HMailServer is secure by default so you have to add ip-range and define that this ip-range does not require authentication. In my case I defined a range from till and allow message to and from only. Have a look at the screenshot for were to find these settings and what their value should be.

Drop folder
This one was a bit more complicated. SharePoint requires a path to a ‘drop folder’ where it can find the incoming emails. HMailServer however does not work with drop folders. It creates a folder hierarchy for each account. The drop folder in the screenshot below is created by me. Just note the folder hierarchy.

Bad sender or receiver
Even if you do direct SharePoint to one of those folders inside the hierarchy, it results in a ‘bad sender or receiver’ error when it tries to process the email. This error occurs because the default Microsoft SMTP server adds two headers to an email: the x-sender and the x-receiver. SharePoint uses these headers when it processes the emails.
The solution to all this is the use of VBScript. HMailServer can be extended by writing some event handlers.

If we could write a script, that copies an incoming message to a ‘drop folder’ AND add the two headers, we are done. Luckily we can!
First we create a drop folder inside the existing hierarchy. (Have a look at the screenshot above). Be sure to set the permissions for this folder to allow the SharePoint Timer Service account to make modifications!
Then – after clicking the ‘Show scripts’ button (see screenshot above) – simply open the script file ‘EventHandlers.vbs’ and add the following script.
Sub OnDeliverMessage(oMessage)
Dim path, filename, fso, original, copy
path = Split(oMessage.Filename, "", -1, 1)
filename = "C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerDatadevelopment.comdropfolder" & _
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set copy = fso.CreateTextFile(filename, True)
copy.WriteLine("x-sender: " & oMessage.FromAddress)
copy.WriteLine("x-receiver: " & oMessage.To)
Set original = fso.OpenTextFile(oMessage.Filename, 1)
End Sub
This should replace the commented Sub OnDeliverMessage(oMessage). Save the Script., ‘Check syntax’ to be sure and click ‘Reload scripts’ to enable this freshly added script. The script simply copies ALL incoming mail messages to the ‘drop folder’ and prepends the two mentioned headers. Now simply point SharePoint to the drop folder and that’s it!
With this script in place you can very well use hMailServer in combination with SharePoint!
Cheers and have fun,
Tip: create a catch all address for all your SharePoint incoming mail. You do not want to manually add a new address for each list you want to mail enable.

The timer service and the SharePoint service should be running in network account.
For Errors please check in computer management by right clicking on my computer and selecting manage.

And also you can check log files in:

C:Program Files (x86)hMailServerLogs
For hMailServer related errors and
C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedweb server extensions14LOGS
For SharePoint related errors.
For easily analysing error logs you can download: ULSViewer from:

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