C# provides a large set of operators, which are symbols that specify which operations to perform in an expression. Operations on integral types such as ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, binary +, binary -, ^, &, |, ~, ++, --, and sizeof() are generally allowed on enumerations. In addition, many operators can be overloaded by the user, thus changing their meaning when applied to a user-defined type.
The following table lists the C# operators grouped in order of precedence. Operators within each group have equal precedence.
Operator category | Operators |
Primary | x.y f(x) a[x] x++ x-- new typeof checked unchecked default(T) delegate -> |
Unary | + - ! ~ ++x --x (T)x true false & sizeof |
Multiplicative | * / % |
Additive | + - |
Shift | << >> |
Relational and type testing | < > <= >= is as |
Equality | == != |
Logical AND | & |
Logical XOR | ^ |
Logical OR | | |
Conditional AND | && |
Conditional OR | || |
Null-coalescing | ?? |
Conditional | ?: |
Assignment and lambda expression | = += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= => Lambda Operator |
The arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /) can produce results that are outside the range of possible values for the numeric type involved. You should refer to the section on a particular operator for details, but in general:
- Integer arithmetic overflow either throws an OverflowException or discards the most significant bits of the result. Integer division by zero always throws a DivideByZeroException.
- Floating-point arithmetic overflow or division by zero never throws an exception, because floating-point types are based on IEEE 754 and so have provisions for representing infinity and NaN (Not a Number).
- Decimal arithmetic overflow always throws an OverflowException. Decimal division by zero always throws a DivideByZeroException.
When integer overflow occurs, what happens depends on the execution context, which can be checked or unchecked. In a checked context, an OverflowException is thrown. In an unchecked context, the most significant bits of the result are discarded and execution continues. Thus, C# gives you the choice of handling or ignoring overflow.
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