Tuesday, February 28, 2023

What is #IP Address and #Subnet?

 An IP address is like a phone number for devices on a computer network. It uniquely identifies each device so that they can communicate with each other.

A subnet is a way of dividing a larger network into smaller, more manageable sub-networks. This can be useful for security and organization purposes.

An IP range is a range of IP addresses within a subnet. It is a set of numbers that defines the beginning and end of the range of IP addresses that are available for use within that subnet.

For example, if you have a network with the IP address and a subnet mask of, you can divide the network into smaller subnets, such as,, or Each of these subnets will have its own IP range.

The IP range for a subnet is calculated based on the number of bits in the subnet mask. For example, a subnet mask of /24 means that the first 24 bits of the IP address are used to identify the network, and the remaining 8 bits are available for use within the subnet. So the IP range for a /24 subnet would be from to

In simple words, a subnet is like a neighborhood within a city, and an IP range is like the range of house numbers within that neighborhood. Each neighborhood has its own set of house numbers, and each IP range has its own set of IP addresses that can be used within that subnet.

Most common #apache #hadoop #error #messages

 1.       java.io.IOException: This error occurs when Hadoop encounters an issue while reading or writing data.

2.       File not found exception: This error occurs when Hadoop is unable to find the specified file or directory.

3.       NameNode is in Safe Mode: This error message indicates that the Hadoop NameNode is in safe mode, which restricts write operations to the Hadoop file system.

4.       Unable to create directory: This error occurs when Hadoop is unable to create a directory in the file system.

5.       Block Missing Exception: This error message indicates that a block of data is missing from the Hadoop file system.

6.       Permission denied: This error occurs when the user does not have the required permissions to perform the requested operation.

7.       Task attempt failed to report status: This error message indicates that the Hadoop job failed to report its status to the JobTracker.

8.       Exceeded maximum allowed attempts: This error occurs when a task in Hadoop exceeds the maximum number of allowed attempts.

9.       Namenode not starting: This error occurs when the Hadoop NameNode process fails to start, often due to an issue with the file system or configuration.

10.   DataNode not starting: This error occurs when the Hadoop DataNode process fails to start, often due to an issue with the file system or configuration.

11.   Corrupt block pool: This error occurs when the Hadoop NameNode detects corruption in the block pool, often due to hardware or file system issues.

12.   Incorrect block size: This error occurs when the Hadoop NameNode detects that a block has been written with an incorrect size, often due to a configuration issue or bug in the code.

13.   Permission denied: This error occurs when the user does not have the required permissions to perform the requested operation on the Hadoop file system.

14.   Invalid input: This error occurs when the input data provided to a Hadoop job is not valid or does not match the expected format.

15.   Connection refused: This error occurs when Hadoop is unable to connect to a remote service, often due to network issues or configuration problems.

16.   TaskTracker failed to start: This error occurs when the Hadoop TaskTracker process fails to start, often due to an issue with the configuration or file system.

What are the most common #apache #spark #error #messages

1.       NullPointerException: This error occurs when you try to reference a null object or variable.

2.       Task not serializable: This error occurs when you try to pass a non-serializable object to a Spark task.

3.       Missing input path: This error occurs when the input path specified in the Spark job is not found.

4.       Out of memory: This error indicates that Spark has run out of memory while processing the job.

5.       IllegalArgumentException: This error occurs when one or more of the parameters passed to a Spark method are invalid.

6.       NoSuchMethodError: This error occurs when you are trying to call a method that does not exist in the Spark version you are using.

7.       ExecutorLostFailure: This error occurs when an executor node in the Spark cluster fails or is lost while processing the job.

8.       SparkException: This error message is a generic message that indicates that the Spark job failed due to an error.

9.       SparkException: This is a general exception that can occur for a variety of reasons, such as a configuration error or a problem with the Spark cluster.

10.   IllegalArgumentException: This error occurs when Spark encounters an invalid argument in the code, such as an incorrect input parameter or a missing configuration setting.

11.   NoSuchElementException: This error occurs when Spark cannot find an element in a collection or iterator.

12.   NullPointerException: This error occurs when Spark tries to use a null object reference, such as when attempting to access an object that has not been initialized.

13.   IOException: This error occurs when Spark encounters an issue reading or writing data, such as when a file is inaccessible or the Hadoop file system is down.

14.   Task failed while writing rows: This error can occur when Spark encounters a problem while writing data to an external data source, such as a database or file system.

15.   OutOfMemoryError: This error indicates that Spark has run out of memory while processing the data.

16.   ClassNotFoundException: This error occurs when Spark cannot find a class that is needed to execute the code, such as a missing dependency.



what are the most common #Apache #Hive error messages

Some common error messages that you may encounter when working with #Apache #Hive:

1.       #ParseException: This error occurs when #Hive is unable to parse the #query due to syntax errors.

2.       #SemanticException: This error indicates that there is a semantic error in the query, such as a mismatched data type or an undefined table or column.

3.       #NoSuchObjectException: This error occurs when Hive cannot find the specified table or column in the database.

4.       #MetaException: This error indicates that there is an issue with the metadata of the table or column.

5.       #AuthorizationException: This error occurs when the user does not have the required privileges to perform the requested operation.

6.       #IOException: This error indicates that there was an issue reading or writing data, such as when the Hadoop file system is inaccessible.

7.       #ExecutionError: This error message is a generic message that indicates that the query failed due to an execution error.

8.       #OutOfMemoryError: This error indicates that Hive ran out of #memory while processing the query.

9.       "FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10001]: Table not found" - This error occurs when Hive is unable to find the table you are trying to query. This could be because the table has not been created or because you are using the wrong table name.

10.   "FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask" - This error occurs when there is an issue with the syntax or structure of your query. Check your syntax and ensure that your query is properly formatted.

11.   "FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line X: Y Invalid table alias or column reference Y" - This error occurs when you reference a table or column that does not exist or is misspelled. Check your query for spelling errors and ensure that all table and column references are correct.

12.   "FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask" - This error occurs when there is an issue with the execution of your query. This could be due to a lack of resources or incorrect configuration settings.

13.   "FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10002]: Invalid column reference" - This error occurs when you reference a column that does not exist in the table. Check your query and ensure that all column references are correct.

14.   "FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10025]: Expression not in GROUP BY key" - This error occurs when you include an expression in your SELECT statement that is not included in the GROUP BY clause. Ensure that all expressions in the SELECT statement are included in the GROUP BY clause.

15.   "FAILED: RuntimeException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient" - This error occurs when there is an issue with the configuration of your Hive metastore. Check your configuration settings and ensure that the metastore is properly configured.

how to integrate #ldap with #emr

 To integrate LDAP with Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce), follow these steps:

1.       Create an LDAP directory service in AWS. You can use Amazon Managed AD or Simple AD to create a directory service.

2.       Create an IAM role for EMR to access the LDAP directory. You will need to create a policy that grants the EMR service access to the LDAP directory. Here's an example policy that you can use:


                "Version": "2012-10-17",

                "Statement": [{

                                "Effect": "Allow",

                                "Action": [







                                "Resource": "*"




3.       Launch an EMR cluster and configure it to use the IAM role that you created in step 2.

4.       Configure the EMR cluster to join the LDAP directory. You can do this by adding the following configuration to the EMR cluster:


                "Classification": "directory-service",

                "Properties": {

                                "directory_service_name": "<directory_service_name>",

                                "directory_service_password": "<directory_service_password>",

                                "directory_service_username": "<directory_service_username>",

                                "directory_service_domain_name": "<directory_service_domain_name>",

                                "directory_service_dns_ips": "<directory_service_dns_ips>"


                "Configurations": []



Replace the following variables with your own values:


<directory_service_name>: the name of the LDAP directory service that you created in step 1.

<directory_service_password>: the password for the user that you want to use to join the EMR cluster to the LDAP directory.

<directory_service_username>: the username for the user that you want to use to join the EMR cluster to the LDAP directory.

<directory_service_domain_name>: the domain name of the LDAP directory.

<directory_service_dns_ips>: the IP addresses of the DNS servers for the LDAP directory.


Start the EMR cluster.


Once the EMR cluster is running, you should be able to authenticate users against the LDAP directory. You can test this by SSHing into the EMR cluster and running an LDAP search using the ldapsearch command.

How to search users in #ldap using #ldapsearch in #Linux


To search for users in LDAP using ldapsearch, follow these steps:

1.       Open a terminal or command prompt.

2.       Type the following command:

ldapsearch -x -H <LDAP server URI> -D "<bind DN>" -w "<bind password>" -b "<search base>" -s sub "<search filter>"

Replace the values in angle brackets with the appropriate values for your LDAP server, bind DN, bind password, search base, and search filter.

For example:

ldapsearch -x -H ldap://ldap.example.com -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -w "password" -b "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -s sub "(objectClass=person)"

This command searches for all users (persons) in the "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" subtree of the LDAP server with the specified bind DN and password.

3.       Press Enter to execute the command.

4.       If the search is successful, the LDAP server returns a list of matching entries in LDIF format. You can use grep or other tools to filter and display the results as needed.


!!! Note: Depending on your LDAP server and search filter, you may need to adjust the command options or syntax to get the desired results. Consult your LDAP server documentation or seek assistance from a qualified LDAP administrator if you encounter problems or errors. !!!!

Monday, February 27, 2023

#Troubleshoot #network issues in #Linux


  1. Check network connectivity: Verify that your network connectivity is working by pinging a known working IP address. For example, you can try to ping the Google DNS server at using the command ping or any existing IPs, If the ping succeeds, then your network connectivity is working, and the issue may be with specific applications or services.

  2. Check network configuration: Verify that your network configuration is correct by checking the network configuration files such as /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0. Make sure that the network settings such as IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS servers are correctly configured.

  3. Check network services: Check that the necessary network services are running using the systemctl command. Check the status of the network service using the command systemctl status network.service. Also, check that the DNS service is running using the command systemctl status systemd-resolved.service.

  4. Check firewall settings: Check your firewall settings to ensure that they are not blocking necessary network traffic. You can check the status of the firewall using the command systemctl status firewalld.service. If the firewall is blocking network traffic, you can either modify the firewall rules or temporarily disable the firewall to test connectivity.

  5. Check network hardware: Verify that your network hardware is functioning correctly. Check that the network cables are properly connected and not damaged. You can also check the network card status using the lspci command.

  6. Check log files: Check the system logs for any errors related to network connectivity. You can check the logs using the journalctl command or by checking specific log files such as /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages.

  7. Check the system logs for any error messages related to network connectivity. Use the dmesg command to view the kernel logs, or check the system log files in /var/log/.

  8. Check routing: If you are having trouble connecting to devices on another network, you should check the routing configuration. Use the route or ip route command to view the routing table and ensure that there is a route to the destination network.

  9. Check DNS settings: If you are having trouble resolving domain names, you should check the DNS settings. You can use the nslookup command to query a DNS server for a specific domain name and IP address.

Adding Disk in linux making ready formatting partitioning


  1. Connect the disk, or check if it is attached to the machine.

  2. Identify the disk: Use the lsblk command to identify the disk. This command lists all the available block devices on your system, including disks and partitions. The output will show you the disk name and partition information.

  3. Create a partition: If the disk is new and has not been partitioned, you will need to create a partition. You can use the fdisk or parted command to create a new partition on the disk.

  4. Format the partition: Once you have created a partition, you need to format it with a file system. The most common file system for Linux is ext4. You can use the mkfs command to format the partition.

  5. Mount the partition: After formatting the partition, you need to mount it to a directory in the file system. You can create a new directory using the mkdir command and then mount the partition to that directory using the mount command.

  6. Automount the partition (optional): If you want the partition to be automatically mounted every time your computer starts up, you can add an entry to the /etc/fstab file. This file contains information about file systems that should be mounted at boot time.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

#Linux #FileSystem: An Overview


Linux File System: An Overview

The Linux file system is a hierarchical structure that organizes and stores files and directories in a specific manner. It consists of a root directory (denoted by “/”) that acts as the parent directory of all other files and directories in the system. The Linux file system is the most important aspect of the Linux operating system as it provides a framework for accessing and organizing files and data.

The Linux file system is a tree-like structure, which means that it starts at the root directory and branches out into subdirectories and files. Each directory or file has a unique path that starts from the root directory. For example, the path to the home directory of a user named “john” would be “/home/john”.

The Linux file system is divided into several important directories, each with a specific purpose. The root directory (“/”) contains the most important files and directories such as “/bin”, “/sbin”, “/etc”, “/var”, “/home”, and “/usr”. These directories contain system-level files and programs, configuration files, and user-specific files and data.

The “/bin” directory contains the basic user commands that are required for the system to operate. The “/sbin” directory contains the system administration commands and is typically only accessible by the system administrator. The “/etc” directory contains configuration files for the system, such as network settings, passwords, and other important system-level settings.

The “/var” directory contains files that are frequently changed, such as logs, temporary files, and backups. The “/home” directory contains the home directories of individual users and is where they store their personal files, data, and documents. The “/usr” directory contains files and directories that are shared between users, such as software programs, libraries, and other resources.

The Linux file system supports several different file systems, including ext2, ext3, ext4, ReiserFS, and XFS. These file systems are used to store the data on the hard drive and each file system has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, ext4 is the most widely used file system for Linux as it provides fast access to files and improved performance over previous versions of the ext file system.

In conclusion, the Linux file system is a crucial aspect of the Linux operating system that provides a hierarchical structure for organizing and storing files and data. Understanding the different directories and file systems in the Linux file system can help users to better manage and access their files and data in a more efficient manner.

#Linux #Kernel

The Linux Kernel is the core component of the popular open-source operating system Linux. It acts as the interface between the hardware and software components of a computer. The Linux Kernel was first released in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, a computer science student at the University of Helsinki, and has since become one of the largest and most widely used open-source software projects in the world.

The Linux Kernel is written in the C programming language and is designed to be portable, meaning it can run on a variety of hardware platforms. It is also modular, allowing developers to add or remove features as needed. This makes it an ideal choice for a wide range of devices, from embedded systems and smartphones to supercomputers and data centers.

The Linux Kernel provides a number of important services, including memory management, process management, file system management, and network communication. It also manages access to hardware devices and drivers, ensuring that applications can interact with hardware components in a consistent and reliable way.

One of the key advantages of the Linux Kernel is its open-source nature, which means that anyone can contribute to its development or customize it for their own needs. The large and active community of developers who work on the Linux Kernel ensures that it is constantly evolving and improving. This has led to the creation of a wide range of specialized versions of Linux, known as distributions, each tailored to specific use cases or audiences.

Another advantage of the Linux Kernel is its stability and reliability. Because it is used in so many different devices and applications, developers must constantly test and improve the code to ensure that it works well on all types of hardware. This process of continuous improvement has led to a robust and stable kernel that is widely used in mission-critical applications where downtime is not an option.

In conclusion, the Linux Kernel is a critical component of the Linux operating system and plays a vital role in enabling applications and devices to interact with the underlying hardware. Its open-source nature and a large community of developers ensure that it is constantly evolving and improving, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications.

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