Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Starting/Stoping Hadoop and HBase in order

Hadoop Startup Process

Namenode  -->  Datanodes  -->  SecondaryNamenode  -->  JobTracker  -->  TaskTrackers

Hadoop Shutdown Process
JobTracker  -->  TaskTracker  --> Namenode  -->  Datanodes  --> SecondaryNamenode

HBase Startup Process

Zookeepers  -->  HMaster  -->  RegionServers

HBase Shutdown Process

RegionServers  -->  HMaster  -->  Zookeepers

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Too many fetch-failures, hadoop mapreduce job, hadoop mapreduce Too many fetch-failures

This may happen due to following reasons:

1. Wrong DNS Entry, Hosts file entries, 


Nodes are not able to communicate with each other, so check if nodes where this error comes you can ping or  nslookup to that node

2. Tasktracker http thread


Check of the value of this tag in mapreduce-site.xml, if it is lower make it somewhat higer around 100.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Get Directory path from a file path/Get file name from a filepath in shell Linux/Unix

Get Directory path from a file path.

Command : 

dirname /path/path1/filename

Output :


Get filename from a filepath


basename /path/path/filename



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